Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wagon Wheel.

"Rock me mama like the wind and the rain.
Rock me mama like a south bound train.
Hey mama, rock me."

-Old Crow Medicine Show.

Man, how this year has flown. It just hit me tonight that I am almost out. I'm about to go back to my California dreamland and leave this freshman year in the dust. It's crazy, am I right?

Last night was the last fourth floor family dinner and in honor of this special occasion, we drove to downtown for some greasy pizza for good ol' Soulshine Pizza Company. I highly recommend their grilled chicken pizza. TO DIE FOR. 

Spending the night with this group of girls was so nostalgic. We laughed over our first experiences on our floor. We almost cried reminiscing on what seems to be yesterday or two weeks ago or even a blink of an eye away. I can still see in clear as day meeting some of these wonderful people. Crazy to think how much of a blessing I have been given through my dorm family. These are not just my friends and roommates. These girls are the sisters I have made over freshman year. We've grown so much together and given each other love and strength in times of doubt and uncertainty. And let's be honest: have you seen a more beautiful group of young women? I think not.

Foremost, that lady in the far right corner with the flip flops on? That's my beautiful mama. I cannot put into words how much she means to me and how amazing of an individual she is. She is so inspiring and insightful and everything I want to aspire to be. She has watched over all of us babies these past eight months. And she has taken us all under her wing to grow into the people we want to be. She was there during my saddest moments and she was there when I was beyond stressed. She made me smile every day and there is no way to explain how much I thank her and love her as my mama forever. Lauryn, you're the greatest.

I'm going to miss these girls and the year we've had together. I'm so grateful for the memories with them. You are the best sisters a girl could ever ask for. 

Love y'all.

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