Monday, April 29, 2013

Home Is Where The Heart Is.

"It took leaving
for me to understand.
Sometimes, your dreams
just aren't what life has planned."

-Lady Antebellum.

I had the absolute privilege of having lunch with one of the greatest. My girl, Kaybree, is pure gold. I've known her for quite some time now and I'm so lucky to have watched her grow up into such a beautiful young woman. It's so weird to me to know that she is three years younger than me but acts twice her age. She is so wise and insightful and I find myself learning from her more than a lot of my friends that are the same age as me. She has a humble heart and a smart head among her shoulders. 

As we chowed down on Chipotle and enjoyed the afternoon sunshine, I realized something: I see a part of my younger self in her. Now normally, I don't believe in saying that because why would anyone want to have a part of me within their soul? But I mean it in the best way possible. I see her as the sophomore I once was: determined to go anywhere for college, dreaming about my future job, getting away from the small town life, and making fun of my brother's life choices. Miss Kaybree has so much knowledge about life up her sleeve and I have a feeling she's going somewhere extraordinary very soon. And the best part? She deserves everything that will be given to her and she will earn a world of chances because she is so genuine and down-to-earth.

Lunch with an amazing person cleanses the soul. She is just another reminder of how excited I am to be home and to grow up over this summer in a place where I feel comfortable. I know life is about stepping outside of the comfort zone, but when I know who I am and where I'm headed, it feels right. 

Goodness, my love for home and friends and family is overwhelming and overflowing. And I love every second of it.

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