Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Same Love.

"I might not be the same,
but that's not important.
No freedom till we're equal,
damn right, I support it."

-Macklemore & Mary Lewis.

My last classes of my freshman year of college  were today. Like WHAT. Since when did we get here? This is when I believe my mom by saying time goes by quicker than you can ever sit down and think about. Don't blink; otherwise, you'll miss everything around you.

Although my post may sound like I'm going to go deeper into the time thing, I actually am here to admit to something silly. I spent about an hour last night doing the "wop" with my roommate. And now, it's like my favorite way to work out. Do you realize how much hard work goes into that dance if you take it seriously? Yes, I feel sore from squatting and getting down. And yes, I try my best to be a complete gangster while I dance. It's just a part of the whole persona you gotta take on while dancing. Am I right?

Give it up for Queen Miley for teaching us this dance and inspiring us to waste our study time on the "wop" rather than the books.

Also: France has legalized same-sex marriage. I'm not going to get overly involved even though I am very passionate about my stance on gay marriage. But hats off to you, France. Thank you for allowing people to love one another. Thank you for not discriminating against people who just want to marry for love. Thank you France for being accepting of true love. I salute you.

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