Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Swing Life Away.

"Let's pack our bags and
settle down where palm trees grow.
We chase these days down with
talks of  the places that we will go."

-Rise Against.

It's been a heck of a long day. Not only has it been long, but exhausting emotionally. I don't think I've gone through so many feelings in one day for a while now. Let's keep it simple and say: A C- paper that I spent over eight hours on made me want to throw up. So grateful for everything house church has done for me this year. Housing selection is more stressful than registration and finals put into one. When you work hard for what you want, you can achieve anything.

Wait...rewind. That last one came out insight despite my lack of colorful knowledge. 

When you work hard for what you want, you can achieve anything...

Hmmm. Why didn't I think (or steal) that earlier? I've been a mess of stress over the past few days due to too much work and too little time. It's crazy how last week I was calm and collected and this week is a complete 180. Funny how life changes so quickly that you can't catch up until it's over. 

Maybe today is just a taste of my own medicine. I need to wake up and start caring more. I need more determination to finish out these last nine days with all the power I have in me. I am capable and able to do anything I set my mind to. I have a God who loves me and provides me of faith. I have my family who I get to see in 10 days. (what what.) I have the best friends a girl could ever ask for at this home away from home. I have the spring air and the little things that make me smile. I have music and good food. So, I think even though stress may be getting me down, I'm good.

Wow. I'm...good. That's such a humbling, incredible statement. Want to hear another? 

I can do this.

And so can you. Be determined to get through the rest of this week. Through the end of the month. Through the end of the semester. Heck, through the end of this season. You got this. As long as you have the necessary resources of love and faith, you got it made. Trust me. What will be, will be. (Thanks, Dave Barnes.)

Just a tad on the random side: this was one of my favorite songs during my freshman year of high school. It was constantly on repeat. Although I come across it randomly, I haven't heard it in a while. But I woke up singing it in my mind. Such a great nostalgic memory and I'm so in love with everything this song represents. Go check it out. You won't be sorry.

Oh and here are my wonderful friends and sisters from House Church. I am so blessed to have these ladies in my life and I couldn't ask for a better support team. Love you all, sunshine girls.

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