Thursday, April 11, 2013

Skinny Love.

"And I told you to be patient.
And I told you to be fine.
And I told you to be balanced.
And I told you to be kind."

-Bon Iver.

Why does it seem like every Thursday this semester has awful weather? It's just so odd to me how I don't think we've had one sunny or pretty Thursday this semester. And I'm pretty positive it hasn't stopped raining really hard here since about 1p.m. What's up with that? 

It's Thursday, by the way. Like you didn't already know. In spite of the cold, icky weather out, I'm going to throw it back to over a year ago. In fact, these pictures are coming up on two years old. Which to me, seems so completely insane because I can still remember being so excited for this photoshoot.

You see, when you hit senior year at my high school, we have rights of passage. One of them being the senior picture shoot. You can choose any photographer you want to take pictures wherever you please to put in the yearbook and pass around to all of your friends. I knew right away, I wanted my 7th grade math teacher (who was a part-time photographer) to take mine out in some cool looking field area. The day of the shoot, we "snuck" onto a wedding venue on the outskirts of a town called Arroyo Grande. This ranch was beautiful and quaint, which was totally the vibe I was going for. We had a blast mainly because I did any pose or trick she would tell me to. I ended up rowing around a pond in a rustic canoe and sitting on a 15-foot high diving board. I stood on a dirt road and hung out in the horse stables. And like any photoshoot, I was allowed outfit changes. I felt so free and beautiful out that day and I will never forget how awesome it was to have my own shoot. I hope, someday, I can have another one. Or maybe, get married at this place.

My green Converse were a must. Those are my babies since 7th grade.

In this moment, she told me to "look pissed". Naturally, this is how I act.

I love this windmill so, so much. It's so vintage.

I love wide, open spaces and dusty roads.

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