Saturday, April 20, 2013

Back's Against The Wall.

"With my eyes, I may not see
the fire that burns inside of me."

-Judah and the Lion.

Packing, packing, packing. I guess besides school, that's my mantra for the next six days. If any of you readers out there have ideas of how to put all my clothes into two suitcases with less than 50 pounds in each, I'm all ears. At this point, everything is filling to the brim and I haven't even made a dent in my clothes. If only I lived in a place where it was plain hot every single day. It would make this whole process a million times easier.

On days like today, where I'm basically in my room for hours upon hours, I need some music to get me through it all. I try to put on albums rather than random songs coming on and having to change it every two seconds. I've busted out the John Mayer, Drew Holcomb and Tim McGraw for the majority of my time. But then, Judah and the Lion came up and I was so refreshed.

Judah and the Lion is a band that goes to my school and if you haven't heard them, just put Mumford & Sons together with a flare of bluegrass. Plus amazing lyrics, that is what their new EP, "Sweet Tennessee", is all about. I'm so grateful that I have seen these guys perform live a couple times and they never disappoint. 

Seven more days of jam-packed schoolwork and nonstop packing. What a life...not.

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