Wednesday, April 10, 2013

State Of Grace.

"We are alone
with our changing minds.
We fall in love
'til it hurts or bleeds
or fades in time."

-Taylor Swift.

Oh my goodness. Do I love southern springs or what? Today was absolutely glorious in every definition. 80-degree weather is one of my favorite things on the planet, especially when I can tan and drink a giant Diet Coke to soak up the sun. 

Plot twist? It's supposed to be insane thunderstorms and possibly tornado warnings tomorrow. Like, excuse me. This isn't cool. Even worse is I have to still attend classes. I'm legitimately concerned for my well-being. I may die walking to class from a tornado and you want me to go outside. Nice planning, college.

With the sunburn down my back as a constant reminder for the next few days, I can't wait until every day is like this one. Where I can go to class and walk outside to beautiful blue skies and warm air filled with pollen. (No, I don't get allergies. Perks of living in a field farm town.) So close yet so far. 

This weather is also inspiring me to get back into lyric writing. Summer will be a time to get everything down on paper and I hope ever late night brings me a new song. I've already been experimenting with rhymes and ideas. Let me tell you: I'm so stoked on life for wee hour songwriting.

Ah, Tennessee. Today, you were perfect. Thank you for providing such a lovely day to relax and be happy. Good vibes down in Nash.

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