Thursday, April 25, 2013

Good Life.

"When you're happy like a fool,
let it take you over.
When everything is out,
you gotta take it in."


I can pretty much tell you that right now, I am the happiest person alive. Man, this day was just amazingly perfect and great and amazing. And according to my mom, it was priceless.

Now, my mom has been letting me know she's been planning on coming to move me out for months. She flew in last night and was supposed to meet me after my finals today. I called her right after I finished so we could head over to Chick-Fil-A for a quick and free lunch. During the phone call, my mom claimed she was too busy and I had to wait until 1p.m. to see her. Typical me, I was beyond angry and I just wanted to hang out with her. Come 1p.m., she calls me, saying that she got here. I go downstairs to see her talking to a stranger. Plot twist of the century:

My mom brought my grandma to Nashville to help move me.

I repeat: my grandma flew to Nashville with my mom to see me.


Literally, I hate surprises. But this one is tops the cake. I'm so stoked. I almost cried of pure joy today. Ah, I love my family. They really do love me so much and I'm so glad to have them in my life.

Today is such a great day. I'm so happy. Let me just soak in my joy for a while. I'll get back to you tomorrow. While I'm still floating on a cloud of happiness.

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