Sunday, April 28, 2013

Soundtrack To Your Life.

"Your life is a flashback,
a question, a photograph,
a statement, a story,
a struggle, a chance to laugh."

-Ashley Parker Angel.

It's crazy how beautiful life can be when you don't have a care in the world and you're surrounded by people you love and are so intrigued by. I'm lucky enough to be in that situation at the moment. Tonight, I was reunited with some of the greatest people I have the privilege of knowing. And gosh, my love for them is ever-flowing and I aspire to be as amazing as they are growing into being. 

My girls: Shelby, Alanna, Maddy and Nicole. You are four of the most beautiful people I will ever be friends with. You girls have become like sisters to me and I will forever thank you for being the best of friends to me. Maddy, you are SO TALENTED. Everything you do, I swear, you just leave love and faith on everything you touch. God's plan for you is just wonderful, I can feel it. You are pure gold. Alanna, you are my favorite diva. Don't deny it; you are the ultimate girly-girl and you are becoming such an incredible woman. I'm so grateful for our friendship and to be able to confide in you whenever. Shelby, you are a ray of God's sunshine. I aspire to be as inspiring and down-to-earth and bubbly and humble as you are. You are such a light in everyone's life and you just make the room just light up. Nicole, one of my closest friends in the whole world. You and I go way back to freshman year and you have one of the prettiest souls I've ever known. You are going to do something amazing in your future and I'm so excited to cheer you on along the way.

These ladies have been with me throughout the past few years and I'm so beyond blessed for their friendship, love and presence. They make me want to be a better person and inspire me with every move they make. I love you all and I'm so excited we will be reunited all summer long. I can't wait to live moments and memories with you all. I love you girls.

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