Saturday, April 6, 2013

Somebody Like You.

"I wanna feel the sunshine
shining down on me and you.
When you put your arms around me,
Well, baby there ain't nothing in this world
I can't do."

-Keith Urban.

As I said last night, a lot went down yesterday. Awkward moments. Funny moments. Vulnerable moments. And I'm grateful for them all in their own unique ways.

Nothing beats long talks about life over giant cups of coffee and s'mores cheesecake. It had been a while since I had thought so much about the fact and how greatly I've changed in four years. Like anyone, I've gotten my feelings hurt and I've had really dark thoughts. I've gone through times where I had no friends and been called really horrible names. I've had rumors spread about me and people calling me out for things I would never dream of doing. Despite all the lows, they have lead me to AMAZING highs. Talking about all the sad times and the crazy ideas people use to pull creates that vulnerability. But while sharing stories back and forth with Stef, I realized a great feat: I'm comfortable enough with myself to be vulnerable as much as possible. That sensibility gives me less fear than ever before and it allows me to know myself that much more. Let me tell you...such a gratifying experience.

Nights like yesterday's make me thankful for the people I surround myself with. Honestly, I would be going through hell if I continued on the path I was four short years ago. Who knows...maybe I wouldn't even be here at this stage of my life. The (few) good things about me are all thanks to my friends and family who love me unconditionally at my strongest and weakest moments. They are the ones who reflect on me and bring out the better in me. Sorry to get all sentimental, but without them, I would be absolutely nothing. They deserve all the recognition and love beyond what I can ever give back to them. 

Talking about life is one scary story after another. But maybe, they all string along in order to put the puzzle pieces into place. Some may be tougher to see the big picture of it all, but when it clicks, it's like a masterpiece coming to life. Understanding something like that is mindblowing to be because life will always be a mystery. But these small epiphanies help me more than anything ever could. And besides, I feel pretty insightful when it comes to these analogies, am I right?

So beyond thankful for yesterday. For its sweet sunshine. For its bitter coffee. But most of all, for the rich conversations and realizations life throws at you. 

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