Tuesday, April 9, 2013


"Yeah, we're dressed in black
from head to toe
with guns hidden under
our petticoats.
No we're never gonna quit it."

-The 1975.

I have been on the hunt for new music. I keep falling back into the rut of music I listen to on the daily, and I need to start branching out and discovering even newer artists than ever before. One of my first thoughts was to look at the charts in the United Kingdom. I mean, the Brits have AMAZING taste in music. So, why not?

I was in luck, thank the Lord. I came across this song as I just let my Spotify play during homework. I couldn't help want to dance around when I heard this song. It's got so many cool vibes to it and I'm obsessed with the whole singing of the tune. Ever since, it's my first choice when I hit the British charts because it just makes everything so fun and happy. 

Without further ado, take a listen to "Chocolate":

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