Monday, April 8, 2013

Let The Drummer Kick.

what keeps you down.
what gets you out."

-Citizen Cope.

Literally, I don't think I've had so much responsibility for important things as I do right now. I'm having to plan my schedule for classes in summer and fall. I also have to stress over my living situation for next year to see if we can even get into an apartment. On top of that, I'm figuring out if a part-time job would help me out with my soon-to-be empty wallet of next year. Oh yeah, but then there's also the fact I have to go to class every day and get more and more assignments due within two weeks. Growing up sucks. Point blank.

On another note, an amazing woman passed away today. Margaret Thatcher, the first female prime minister of Britain, is no longer with us and this is a huge upset to me. The "Iron Lady" was powerful and strong in a way that I feel as if few women can ever attain. She took charge and got stuff done. One of her great quotes to live by:

"If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman."

Amen to that, Ms. Thatcher.

Knowing that I am a fully capable woman, I plan to get down to business. I will accomplish my tasks and goals in 19 days before summer comes to me. It's going to happen. I know it and I'll make it.

Happy Monday. Just do it.

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