Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Birthday Cake.

"Cake, cake, cake, cake, cake,
cake, cake, cake, cake, cake,
cake, cake, cake, cake, cake."


19. What's going on? Ready to spend the next 364 days together? I guess we have to no matter what. As much as I have been denying, I have to come to terms with the fact I am that old. Oh well...

So what does 19 consist of so far? Good morning birthday texts from people I love. Married to Jonas reruns. Baking my own birthday cake in the shape of a daisy. Lunch with my favorite old people at my favorite restaurant ever. The coolest sandal heels to ever be designed. High school boys volleyball. Tri-tip pizza. BEST DAY EVER.

I love birthdays. They're just too much fun. I wish it was more than 24 hours. Maybe I'll just convince people to celebrate this week as my birth week...if only I could milk it.

Oh yeah, and another thing:

Monday, April 29, 2013

Home Is Where The Heart Is.

"It took leaving
for me to understand.
Sometimes, your dreams
just aren't what life has planned."

-Lady Antebellum.

I had the absolute privilege of having lunch with one of the greatest. My girl, Kaybree, is pure gold. I've known her for quite some time now and I'm so lucky to have watched her grow up into such a beautiful young woman. It's so weird to me to know that she is three years younger than me but acts twice her age. She is so wise and insightful and I find myself learning from her more than a lot of my friends that are the same age as me. She has a humble heart and a smart head among her shoulders. 

As we chowed down on Chipotle and enjoyed the afternoon sunshine, I realized something: I see a part of my younger self in her. Now normally, I don't believe in saying that because why would anyone want to have a part of me within their soul? But I mean it in the best way possible. I see her as the sophomore I once was: determined to go anywhere for college, dreaming about my future job, getting away from the small town life, and making fun of my brother's life choices. Miss Kaybree has so much knowledge about life up her sleeve and I have a feeling she's going somewhere extraordinary very soon. And the best part? She deserves everything that will be given to her and she will earn a world of chances because she is so genuine and down-to-earth.

Lunch with an amazing person cleanses the soul. She is just another reminder of how excited I am to be home and to grow up over this summer in a place where I feel comfortable. I know life is about stepping outside of the comfort zone, but when I know who I am and where I'm headed, it feels right. 

Goodness, my love for home and friends and family is overwhelming and overflowing. And I love every second of it.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Soundtrack To Your Life.

"Your life is a flashback,
a question, a photograph,
a statement, a story,
a struggle, a chance to laugh."

-Ashley Parker Angel.

It's crazy how beautiful life can be when you don't have a care in the world and you're surrounded by people you love and are so intrigued by. I'm lucky enough to be in that situation at the moment. Tonight, I was reunited with some of the greatest people I have the privilege of knowing. And gosh, my love for them is ever-flowing and I aspire to be as amazing as they are growing into being. 

My girls: Shelby, Alanna, Maddy and Nicole. You are four of the most beautiful people I will ever be friends with. You girls have become like sisters to me and I will forever thank you for being the best of friends to me. Maddy, you are SO TALENTED. Everything you do, I swear, you just leave love and faith on everything you touch. God's plan for you is just wonderful, I can feel it. You are pure gold. Alanna, you are my favorite diva. Don't deny it; you are the ultimate girly-girl and you are becoming such an incredible woman. I'm so grateful for our friendship and to be able to confide in you whenever. Shelby, you are a ray of God's sunshine. I aspire to be as inspiring and down-to-earth and bubbly and humble as you are. You are such a light in everyone's life and you just make the room just light up. Nicole, one of my closest friends in the whole world. You and I go way back to freshman year and you have one of the prettiest souls I've ever known. You are going to do something amazing in your future and I'm so excited to cheer you on along the way.

These ladies have been with me throughout the past few years and I'm so beyond blessed for their friendship, love and presence. They make me want to be a better person and inspire me with every move they make. I love you all and I'm so excited we will be reunited all summer long. I can't wait to live moments and memories with you all. I love you girls.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sunday Best.

"When the ocean's getting warmer,
and California's on her mind.
Los Angeles is tired,
but we always seem to feel alright."


I'm home. I'm literally writing this post from my overly tall and comfy full sized bed. I'm surrounded by blue and yellow walls that scream California Loving. And the weight of the world is off of my shoulders. 

As much as I want to just write forever and ever about the crazy year I just finished, I've been on a plane and in a car and in the rain and going too far for too long. This video I'm about to be post may be irrelevant to many, it basically refers to what my life is going to be for the next three months. Catch you on the flipside.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Don't Blink.

"Cause when your hourglass
runs out of sand,
you can't flip it over
and start again."

-Kenny Chesney.

Freshman year is over. It's gone. I'm done. Like, excuse me, what? I know time moves slow for me, but I didn't think this moment would come up on me so abruptly. This is insane. I just...I don't even know.

My stuff is basically all gone from my room. There's no more decorations on the wall. The floor is actually clean. Tennessee is almost in the rearview mirror. 

I'll get sentimental even more tomorrow. But today, it's Friday. Meaning....FRIDAY FIVE. Let's hit it.

Okay, this may be a hard case to make. But I'm in love with the aura of this ensemble. Vanessa Hudgens looks so fresh in this red+black romper and gorgeous waves. And those heels? Shoes after my own heart. Obsessed with the 70s throwback, for sure.

Jennifer Lawrence! Oh my goodness, your new haircut is TO DIE FOR. This black David Koma mini is too cool with the sheer collarbone area and flared skirt. Can I just be you?

This highwaisted, all-white jumpsuit is purely amazing. Literally, Kelly Rowland is such a stunner in this number. She looks too gorgeous.

Kiernan Shipka, I bow down to your ever-wonderful style. You have it nailed on the head every single event. This navy+red floral frock is one of the cutest yet classiest dresses I've ever seen. I salute you, girl.

This picture off of Pinterest has been inspiring me all week. I'm all for the working girl-suit look. A lightweight black-and-white polka dot top with high waisted trousers look polished for any occasion. Love love love.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Good Life.

"When you're happy like a fool,
let it take you over.
When everything is out,
you gotta take it in."


I can pretty much tell you that right now, I am the happiest person alive. Man, this day was just amazingly perfect and great and amazing. And according to my mom, it was priceless.

Now, my mom has been letting me know she's been planning on coming to move me out for months. She flew in last night and was supposed to meet me after my finals today. I called her right after I finished so we could head over to Chick-Fil-A for a quick and free lunch. During the phone call, my mom claimed she was too busy and I had to wait until 1p.m. to see her. Typical me, I was beyond angry and I just wanted to hang out with her. Come 1p.m., she calls me, saying that she got here. I go downstairs to see her talking to a stranger. Plot twist of the century:

My mom brought my grandma to Nashville to help move me.

I repeat: my grandma flew to Nashville with my mom to see me.


Literally, I hate surprises. But this one is tops the cake. I'm so stoked. I almost cried of pure joy today. Ah, I love my family. They really do love me so much and I'm so glad to have them in my life.

Today is such a great day. I'm so happy. Let me just soak in my joy for a while. I'll get back to you tomorrow. While I'm still floating on a cloud of happiness.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Who Says.

"Who says you're the only one
who's hurting.
Trust me, 
that's the price of beauty."

-Selena Gomez.

Dead Day. At last. I'm so grateful you have given us your presence. It's been a long time coming, that's for sure. If only you were more eventful and worthwhile. So far, I have gotten my studying and some packing out of the way. But let's be honest: I think I've watched about four episodes of Gossip Girl in the past seven hours. It's kind of addicting...even though I know exactly what is going to happen in every episode. For the love of Chuck Bass, I guess.

Anyways, in preparation for going home to another real world, I am gearing up for my summer activities. Along with keeping this blog up to date and adding a bit of daily fashion to the mix, I plan to have a bucket list of accomplishments needed to be finished by the time mid-August rolls around. I'm so excited to literally fill this summer with the best memories and moments and a bucket list will definitely help me take full advantage of that feat. What can I say? Even when I'm doing nothing at all, I still have to keep busy in one way or another.

Maybe, you'll want to take on this bucket list with me. Of course, I'm making some more of my own additions, as you can too. Let's go, summer. Just you and me, baby.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Same Love.

"I might not be the same,
but that's not important.
No freedom till we're equal,
damn right, I support it."

-Macklemore & Mary Lewis.

My last classes of my freshman year of college  were today. Like WHAT. Since when did we get here? This is when I believe my mom by saying time goes by quicker than you can ever sit down and think about. Don't blink; otherwise, you'll miss everything around you.

Although my post may sound like I'm going to go deeper into the time thing, I actually am here to admit to something silly. I spent about an hour last night doing the "wop" with my roommate. And now, it's like my favorite way to work out. Do you realize how much hard work goes into that dance if you take it seriously? Yes, I feel sore from squatting and getting down. And yes, I try my best to be a complete gangster while I dance. It's just a part of the whole persona you gotta take on while dancing. Am I right?

Give it up for Queen Miley for teaching us this dance and inspiring us to waste our study time on the "wop" rather than the books.

Also: France has legalized same-sex marriage. I'm not going to get overly involved even though I am very passionate about my stance on gay marriage. But hats off to you, France. Thank you for allowing people to love one another. Thank you for not discriminating against people who just want to marry for love. Thank you France for being accepting of true love. I salute you.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Two Black Cadillacs.

"They took turns laying a rose down.
Threw a handful of dirt into the deep ground.
He's not the only one who had a secret to hide."

-Carrie Underwood.

The time just moves along, doesn't it? As my last Monday of freshman year comes to an end, I've been planning the summer ahead. And boy, am I going to be busy in the best ways! Every summer, I attempt to stick to a bucket list full of impossible tasks. But this year, I plan to make at least 3/4 of the list happen. Yes, I'll put more realistic goals in mind (no learning multiple foreign languages, shall we) but it's still going to take work and effort.

One of my most exciting tasks is to bake every week or cook something new in order to learn for my new apartment next year. Thanks to my good friend, Pinterest, I've been hunting recipe after recipe and here are some of my first choices to start the warm months off right:

Pasta pie, anyone? I love bringing out the Italian in me (okay, confession: I'm -10% Italian. So...) and this dish is the perfect way to get some good pasta passed around.

Typically, I'm not a sorbet girl. But anytime watermelon is in the mix, I'm all there. This dessert will be such a refresher on the hot summer nights by the pool.

Mocktails are the best. This summer pineapple concoction looks easy to make and to die for.

Raspberry lemonade is my kryptonite during summer. This lemon cupcake with raspberry frosting may just have to do the trick for my sweet tooth.

Who doesn't love mozzarella sticks? These homemade cheese sticks looked so good and are a healthy take on the traditionally fried food by being baked.

Tri-tip is a staple food on the Central Coast. It's my turn to grill up some juicy meat this summer. Along with some delicious and sweet corn on the cob. Best meal right there.

Frozen grapes? Yes. Sour patch? Yes. Put them together? AMAZING.

I'm a sucker for breakfast foods. These cinnamon roll pancakes sounds so delish; who knows, maybe they'll taste just like Sugar and Spice ones from Pancake Pantry.

One of my close friends, Candace, makes this ice cream sandwich cake about once a week during summer. And it's making my mouth water thinking about it. Ah, I love me some Duggar cake.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


"The trouble, it might drag you down.
If you get lost, you can always be found.
Just know you're not alone.
I'm gonna make this place your home."

-Phillip Phillips.

Phillip Phillips is one weird performer. I really do not even know what to say about the show I just witnessed. I mean, I guess it was good. I'm not really impressed by any means, but it was good enough. But like, he did his encore with "Lollipop" and "All I Do Is Win". I do not know how I feel about that.

I'll say though, I loved his opener. Gin Wigmore is like the Grace Potter of New Zealand. She's sassy and edgy and does whatever she wants to do. I salute you, Gin. Even though I'm not quite sure what kind of name is Gin. But that's besides the point. You were rocking it. 

So, anyways. Finals week. Here's looking at you.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Back's Against The Wall.

"With my eyes, I may not see
the fire that burns inside of me."

-Judah and the Lion.

Packing, packing, packing. I guess besides school, that's my mantra for the next six days. If any of you readers out there have ideas of how to put all my clothes into two suitcases with less than 50 pounds in each, I'm all ears. At this point, everything is filling to the brim and I haven't even made a dent in my clothes. If only I lived in a place where it was plain hot every single day. It would make this whole process a million times easier.

On days like today, where I'm basically in my room for hours upon hours, I need some music to get me through it all. I try to put on albums rather than random songs coming on and having to change it every two seconds. I've busted out the John Mayer, Drew Holcomb and Tim McGraw for the majority of my time. But then, Judah and the Lion came up and I was so refreshed.

Judah and the Lion is a band that goes to my school and if you haven't heard them, just put Mumford & Sons together with a flare of bluegrass. Plus amazing lyrics, that is what their new EP, "Sweet Tennessee", is all about. I'm so grateful that I have seen these guys perform live a couple times and they never disappoint. 

Seven more days of jam-packed schoolwork and nonstop packing. What a life...not.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Just Give Me A Reason.

"We're not broken, just bent.
And we can learn to love again."


Thank God it's Friday! Such a great Friday, at that. I still have a lot more to do within the next week. But stress is no longer lingering in the air. Friday Five, shall we?

Woah, Kate Hudson. You are looking HOT in that black Ann Taylor gown. Proving that classic looks will never grow old.

I normally won't do this. But Kate Hudson, really? You are KILLING it this week. This Tiffany blue Reem Acra gown is stunning. The slit is perfect and the side peplum look is just too cool. Get it, girl.

I'm usually not into super girly looks. But Miranda Kerr looks absolutely beautiful in this white lace mini. So delicate and vintage-looking.

I wish floor-length chiffon cardigans were still in the trend. This outfit is the minimalistic hippie. I'm all for a twist on the basics. Plus, her hair is gorgeous.

I love the desert vibe from this outfit. The shoulder embroidering screams cowboy and yet the turquoise armlet is a touch of Native American culture. So, so cool.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wagon Wheel.

"Rock me mama like the wind and the rain.
Rock me mama like a south bound train.
Hey mama, rock me."

-Old Crow Medicine Show.

Man, how this year has flown. It just hit me tonight that I am almost out. I'm about to go back to my California dreamland and leave this freshman year in the dust. It's crazy, am I right?

Last night was the last fourth floor family dinner and in honor of this special occasion, we drove to downtown for some greasy pizza for good ol' Soulshine Pizza Company. I highly recommend their grilled chicken pizza. TO DIE FOR. 

Spending the night with this group of girls was so nostalgic. We laughed over our first experiences on our floor. We almost cried reminiscing on what seems to be yesterday or two weeks ago or even a blink of an eye away. I can still see in clear as day meeting some of these wonderful people. Crazy to think how much of a blessing I have been given through my dorm family. These are not just my friends and roommates. These girls are the sisters I have made over freshman year. We've grown so much together and given each other love and strength in times of doubt and uncertainty. And let's be honest: have you seen a more beautiful group of young women? I think not.

Foremost, that lady in the far right corner with the flip flops on? That's my beautiful mama. I cannot put into words how much she means to me and how amazing of an individual she is. She is so inspiring and insightful and everything I want to aspire to be. She has watched over all of us babies these past eight months. And she has taken us all under her wing to grow into the people we want to be. She was there during my saddest moments and she was there when I was beyond stressed. She made me smile every day and there is no way to explain how much I thank her and love her as my mama forever. Lauryn, you're the greatest.

I'm going to miss these girls and the year we've had together. I'm so grateful for the memories with them. You are the best sisters a girl could ever ask for. 

Love y'all.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Swing Life Away.

"Let's pack our bags and
settle down where palm trees grow.
We chase these days down with
talks of  the places that we will go."

-Rise Against.

It's been a heck of a long day. Not only has it been long, but exhausting emotionally. I don't think I've gone through so many feelings in one day for a while now. Let's keep it simple and say: A C- paper that I spent over eight hours on made me want to throw up. So grateful for everything house church has done for me this year. Housing selection is more stressful than registration and finals put into one. When you work hard for what you want, you can achieve anything.

Wait...rewind. That last one came out insight despite my lack of colorful knowledge. 

When you work hard for what you want, you can achieve anything...

Hmmm. Why didn't I think (or steal) that earlier? I've been a mess of stress over the past few days due to too much work and too little time. It's crazy how last week I was calm and collected and this week is a complete 180. Funny how life changes so quickly that you can't catch up until it's over. 

Maybe today is just a taste of my own medicine. I need to wake up and start caring more. I need more determination to finish out these last nine days with all the power I have in me. I am capable and able to do anything I set my mind to. I have a God who loves me and provides me of faith. I have my family who I get to see in 10 days. (what what.) I have the best friends a girl could ever ask for at this home away from home. I have the spring air and the little things that make me smile. I have music and good food. So, I think even though stress may be getting me down, I'm good.

Wow. I'm...good. That's such a humbling, incredible statement. Want to hear another? 

I can do this.

And so can you. Be determined to get through the rest of this week. Through the end of the month. Through the end of the semester. Heck, through the end of this season. You got this. As long as you have the necessary resources of love and faith, you got it made. Trust me. What will be, will be. (Thanks, Dave Barnes.)

Just a tad on the random side: this was one of my favorite songs during my freshman year of high school. It was constantly on repeat. Although I come across it randomly, I haven't heard it in a while. But I woke up singing it in my mind. Such a great nostalgic memory and I'm so in love with everything this song represents. Go check it out. You won't be sorry.

Oh and here are my wonderful friends and sisters from House Church. I am so blessed to have these ladies in my life and I couldn't ask for a better support team. Love you all, sunshine girls.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dance With Me Tonight.

"I knew right then,
that you'd be mine,
and we'd be dancing
the whole damn night."

-Olly Murs.

So much good music came out today. I just love it when new stuff comes out. It's such an incredible feeling to hear the latest songs playing. It's kind of like doing something for the first time and I know I don't really go through that on a normal basis.

Now, Olly Murs is my man. He headlined for One Direction last summer. I knew only one of his songs and about who he was, but I was pretty underwhelmed in comparison to my love for the 1D boys. But, I was blown out of the water with his opening performance. He was dancing and singing every note in perfect tune. He was charming and witty and adorable all in one package. I remember thinking to myself that One Direction didn't even need to follow up; Olly just brought down the arena. He has some sort of charisma about him and his music is a modern pop version of fun swing music. Especially the song I'm talking about today. 

Check out his album. It's definitely worth a listen or two. Or twelve. Or fifty. That's what will be on repeat for at least today. I wish I could say for the rest of the week, but really now. There was so much good music that was released. Plus, I need to start preparing myself for the Phillip Phillips show on Sunday. Can you say...SO BEYOND STOKED.

Monday, April 15, 2013


"Oh dear, you look so lost.
Your eyes are red.
The tears are shed.
The world you must've crossed."


Ever have one of those moments where the world stops spinning? Where for a moment, you can't remember anything, not even how to breathe properly? Where you can literally feel every bone in your body freezing in time? Where you need to cry but you're in so much shock you can seem to get the tears from your eyes?

Believe me, it's no fun whatsoever.

As I try to type this post to you, my mind is filled with the emptiness that consumes me at the moment. I apologize if I sound crazy today, but I'm beyond dumbfounded. 

I literally don't even know what to say. I'm having trouble completing sentences and thoughts. I just...this is beyond the terms of horrible.

All I know is that I am praying for the people of Boston. I am praying for the contestants of the marathon. I am praying for the innocent crowds lining the streets. I am praying for the policemen and medical staff and the public helpers that are in the process of saving lives right now. I am praying for the amazing people who are going willingly into hospitals at the moment to donate blood for those who are in dire need. I am praying for an answer to why something so devastating could happen during such an innocent event.

Pray for Boston. Put your thoughts toward them. Show them support. Give them love. Donate whatever you can to help. 

I'm going to need a lot of time to take this whole thing in. It's weird because I don't really have any connection to Boston. But the one I do is at the top of my list.

We are all Americans and we are united under one flag in one country. 

I love this country. I love the freedom. I love our rights. I love the people I am united with under allegiance to this place and everything it is.



Sunday, April 14, 2013

I Love It.

"I got this feeling on a summer day
when you were gone.
I crashed my car into a bridge.
I watched, I let it burn."

-Icona Pop.

So so so much good stuff happened tonight. Long list short: MTV Movie Awards 2013 were a success. Greek Sing was beyond hilarious and cute. I finished my feature article finally! It's my last full week of freshman year. (what.) It was so warm out and I'm falling more in love with southern springs day after day.

Like I mentioned, the MTV Movie Awards were on. Per the usual, let's break it down to see the best looks of the night:

This gold sparkly mini looks like Selena Gomez is taking a note out of Taylor Swift's book. No matter what, she looks gorgeous and glowing in gold.

At first, I hated this look. And I'm still trying to convince myself that I now love it. Zoe Saldana took quite the risk with the high slit and sheer panel on her floral maxi skirt. Good thing she kept it simple on top with a basic black long sleeve. Let's just affirm that I love the risk factor this ensemble has.

Butter yellow. Menswear. Easy accessories. Crazy, pointy heels. This look on Bella Thorne is TO DIE FOR. Loving it so much.

Although I feel as if this is more of a winter dress, Brittany Snow looks amazing in this navy mini with feathery capsleeves. Nice touch, girl.

Kylie Jenner is pulling a Rihanna ensemble and rocking it just as well! This all-white look, complete with a crop tank and pencil skirt with monochromatic perfection. And that gold chain? THUG LIFE. Chains always take the cake.

Side Note: One of my best friends and roommate was in our university's Greek Sing. With all bias aside, her sorority KILLED IT. I don't know how they didn't win because any performance including Harry Potter Dubstep wins in my book. Check out their intro video:

Saturday, April 13, 2013

All The Faint Lights.

"You can keep it inside.
The devil will reside
if you let him."

-Steve Moakler.

Man, oh, man. I go to a school filled with amazingly talented people. Honestly, I cannot tell you how blessed and awed I am after the performance I just witnessed. There are fire shooting from the ground. There was a fireworks closing. There was a Steve Moakler guest appearance. (In love with him, just by the way.) There were five shirtless guys cheering by the stage. There were people playing violins and banjos and trashcans. There was Ben Rector sitting in the crowd. And then...there's always Judah. Cue the sighs and secretive fangirling. Best of the Best Showcase 2013 was an absolute success. Belmont, you've done good. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Sweet And Low.

"I said, hell is so close
and heaven's out of reach.
But I ain't giving up quite yet.
I've got too much to lose."


Oh, Friday! Grace us with your presence more often, won't you? I'm not complaining too much though. I mean, how is complaining really going to help me in the long run? Wish I could hold on to that concept many a time when days get long and dull.

Friday Five, shall we? 

As many of you know, Coachella begins its first festival weekend today. Being a California native, I know this festival is a tradition among music lovers and modern hippies. Coachella takes place a little outside of Palm Spring area, which is absolutely beautiful this time of year. The temperature never drops below about 80 and even the nights stay relatively warm. Here are my top 5 choices of Coachella-inspired outfits:

Vanessa Hudgens would be probably my style inspiration when it comes to Coachella looks. This crochet crop halter with acid wash cutoffs are hippie chic. The leg chain is also right up my alley when it comes to cool accessories.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley looks so fab in a white loose blouse and floral cutoffs. Easy and breezy.

Eleanor Calder keeping it classy in a collared floral mini. Although in this shot she is wearing wellies, this number would also look preppy pretty with some white Converse. 

Olivia Lopez (Tumblr: Lust For Life) takes the flowy, pretty way for her Coachella ensemble. Her floor-length rust cardigan goes hand-in-hand with the Grecian inspired gown. 

I miss Miley's hippie days. Her crinkled top and ripped cutoffs match her fringe boots and messy hair in great fashion. The turquoise necklace is the icing on the cake of this festival look.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Skinny Love.

"And I told you to be patient.
And I told you to be fine.
And I told you to be balanced.
And I told you to be kind."

-Bon Iver.

Why does it seem like every Thursday this semester has awful weather? It's just so odd to me how I don't think we've had one sunny or pretty Thursday this semester. And I'm pretty positive it hasn't stopped raining really hard here since about 1p.m. What's up with that? 

It's Thursday, by the way. Like you didn't already know. In spite of the cold, icky weather out, I'm going to throw it back to over a year ago. In fact, these pictures are coming up on two years old. Which to me, seems so completely insane because I can still remember being so excited for this photoshoot.

You see, when you hit senior year at my high school, we have rights of passage. One of them being the senior picture shoot. You can choose any photographer you want to take pictures wherever you please to put in the yearbook and pass around to all of your friends. I knew right away, I wanted my 7th grade math teacher (who was a part-time photographer) to take mine out in some cool looking field area. The day of the shoot, we "snuck" onto a wedding venue on the outskirts of a town called Arroyo Grande. This ranch was beautiful and quaint, which was totally the vibe I was going for. We had a blast mainly because I did any pose or trick she would tell me to. I ended up rowing around a pond in a rustic canoe and sitting on a 15-foot high diving board. I stood on a dirt road and hung out in the horse stables. And like any photoshoot, I was allowed outfit changes. I felt so free and beautiful out that day and I will never forget how awesome it was to have my own shoot. I hope, someday, I can have another one. Or maybe, get married at this place.

My green Converse were a must. Those are my babies since 7th grade.

In this moment, she told me to "look pissed". Naturally, this is how I act.

I love this windmill so, so much. It's so vintage.

I love wide, open spaces and dusty roads.