Monday, May 20, 2013

Young and Beautiful.

"Will you still love me
when I'm no longer
young and beautiful?"

-Lana Del Rey.

Ah, The Great Gatsby. How I adore thee, with all your mighty grace and glory. What an extravagant, eloquent film it was. I bow down to all of the actor involved in this glamorous project and to Mr. Baz Luhrmann, for creating such a masterpiece in motion. Although at times scenes were gaudy and over-the-top, I'm realizing that's the main point of Gatsby. It's to be fabulous in order to keep your distance from the harsh reality of the 1920s. And my oh my, it was one grand affair.

I urge you to see this movie in its entirety due to its lavish costume designs and elegant sets. Its use of the book as a script made the atmosphere even more so vintage in a modern twist. And boy, was that acting superb? The cast members embodied the characters with their whole beings. I'm one impressed lady over here.

Please, go check out the film of one of the greatest novels known to the world. I can guarantee you won't be disappointed.

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