Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Best Day.

"And I love you for giving me your eyes,
staying back and watching me shine.
And I didn't know if you knew,
so I'm taking this chance to say
that I had the best day with you today."

-Taylor Swift.

My mom is absolutely my number one best friend in the whole entire world. And that right there is the biggest understatement on the face of the earth. You see, my mom and I have what seems like a cliche relationship but fear not: she is my biggest role model and without her, I honestly don't know how I could live. 

My mom has always been the greatest lady since the day I was born. She coached me in every sport known to man, always let me try or do whatever I pleased and never pressured me to do things I didn't want to. It wasn't until my freshman year of high school I realized how amazing she truly is. 

Freshman year was not a good emotional year for me. Let's just say lots of tears were involved. I lost the closest thing to a best friend that year, along with a part of my vulnerability and soul in the process. Through all the cynical comments and negative thoughts, my mom was the one person who would hold me when I literally was lost and talk to me about everything. She never once said I was wrong or dumb or crazy. She made me laugh the most and she was just there for me. Simple as that. 

This song means the absolute world to me. I cry every single time it comes on because it almost reflects the relationship between my mom and I. Funny story: one time on the way to go shopping in another town, my mom heard the song playing and nominated to be our little theme song. And I could not agree more with her. 

I could write a whole book on who my mom is and how incredible she is. She has saved me and made me better in every aspect of my life. I swear, I will strive to be as amazing as she is, but I will never be able to reach her level. She inspires me every day and I love her more and more. People may laugh at the way we act and the conversations we have, but I wouldn't ask for it any other way.

Thank you, Lady, for everything. You are simply the greatest person I will ever know.

I love you.

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