Thursday, May 9, 2013

I'm On Fire.

"Sometimes it's like someone
took a knife, baby,
edgy and dull
and cut a six inch valley
through the middle of my soul."

-Bruce Springsteen.

As the summer seems to go on, I feel myself getting into somewhat of a rut. Sure, I try to keep it interesting; I go on random bike ride, I soak up sunshine in the backyard, I even spoil myself with spontaneous trips to McDonald's for a giant Diet Coke. But as I look upon other people's summers so far, I can't help but notice how lame mine is turning out to be. Maybe it could be because I'm waiting for my parents to start their break, but I need to start living for me. I need to start watching the sunrise or chasing sunsets. I need to go to my second home, the beach, and sprinkle some sand between my toes. I need to start staying up til 4am and getting up by 7 or 8. I need to take advantage of the time off and challenge myself to do new things like reading old classic books or teaching myself how to play guitar.

This is what I planned on for my endless summer. I wanted the world to be my oyster and yet, all I seem to be doing is watching Jeopardy every night and not getting ready for the day until around 11am. What a waste of my time and life. Seriously now.

My post for today is the motivation I need to continue on with my crazy summer. It's time I do things for me, even if it involves spending a few extra dollars or driving a few extra miles. I need to branch out and see things for what they should be this time of year. Just like some people are obsessed with the winter holidays, I am that passionate for my summer loving. 

Here's to you, summer. Bring it on.

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