Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere.

"The sun is hot 
and that old clock
is moving slow,
and so am I."

-Alan Jackson.

I don't think my day could have gotten more homegrown than what it was. And I don't think I could have been more thankful for the town I live in.

I met up with one of my closest friends, Patrick, today to catch up on some petty namecalling and Gossip Girl marathon. The hike through the hills was just what I needed to cleanse my soul a bit from the rut I've been stuck in. A pretty view and wind in my hair always brings me back to why I love where I'm from. Another plus? IN-N-OUT FOR LUNCH. I miss me some California grubbing. 

After the chill session with the bro, I ventured over to my alma mater to check out some playoff baseball. Man, I love America's sport. It's the greatest time to sit and watch the boys run the bases and to hear some pathetic CD from the 80s in the background. Trust me: living in a small town like mine keeps your pleasures simple. I saw old friends and it makes my heart smile to know I come from the little suburb where something like a high school ballgame brings out the community in masses and everyone will know pretty much everyone. 

To top off an easy day was a truck stop diner meal over at Pappy's. Greasy diner food has a way to my soul and in SM, it's served with our famous BBQ style. Nothing beats a plate of SM Style Chicken with pinquito beans and fresh, local salad grown right in the field next to the restaurant. If you think I'm kidding or exaggerating, you can smell the produce and grill from inside the diner. 

Reminders like today make me beyond grateful for being raised this way. Yeah, I'm a California girl who could live on the beach and breathes sunshine air. But I'm also the small town chick who thrives off of high school sports, familiar faces, hearty SM BBQ and the little things in life.

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