Tuesday, May 7, 2013


"By the time I recognize this moment,
this moment will be gone.
And I will bend the light pretending
that it somehow lingered on."

-John Mayer.

I think my future path may be taking a detour at the moment.

I decided to volunteer in my best friend's mom's classroom of cute second graders today. I mean, what else am I going to do on a Tuesday afternoon? My life gets pretty dull if you haven't guessed already. In doing so, the kids were writing their own versions of fairy tales and I was there to guide them through the storytelling process. Now, being a journalism major, I can write, but it's hard to take it down to the notch of lower elementary level. But let me tell ya: man, those kids are bright. They know so much and they're only seven years old. Not to put them down in any way, but I don't remember knowing THAT much in second grade. I think I was more interested in Britney Spears at that point rather than writing or math or history. I liked school, but I liked outside activities even more. But these students were beyond eager to learn. And what excited me most? They all have their own ideas and personalities mapped out right in front of them. 

Sure, people do change. (You don't even want to know what the majority of my wardrobe was in grade school...trust me.) But these kids have their quirks and traits and characteristics that make them unique. And you can still see such naivety and innocence in their eyes. That, to me, was so special. I get to be a part of their lives in this growing up moment. How cool is that to be able to take a step back in time to watch these incredible individuals laugh and talk and think greater than any adult ever could do. God bless all children.

Yeah, I still love journalism and writing and entertainment and fashion. But I also adore working with kids and seeing them grow. Hopefully, the few words I say guide the in the right direction and I somehow make an impact in their lives. It's such a humbling experience and quite awesome, if I may add.

Maybe being a teacher ain't too bad after all...

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