Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Last Time.

"No past.
nowhere to hide.
Just you and me."

-Taylor Swift

This song has been lurking around my mind since the minute I woke up this morning. As much as I wish I could deny such a statement, I cannot tell a lie whatsoever. Knowing me, I had to listen to this song on repeat for the rest of the day. It made my heart die a little on the inside for two reasons: a) the motive portrayed through these lyrics is heartbreaking and really play with all of your heart's emotions, and b) I'm in an "I hate Taylor Swift" phase. As much as I could elaborate on the latter of the last statement, I will move on with a simple no comment.

Getting back to reality. Today was my Abuela's birthday and as always, we celebrated in style and in great fashion. My family dined on chain restaurant Italian food while harassing one another and discussing the local small town gossip. Quite a scandalous soiree, don't you agree? (Kidding.) In the meanwhile, I was soaking up every minute of it because it may be the last time in a long while in which I can be around my favorite company. You see, I will be heading back to my "second home" at college on Sunday and that means that my time here at home is slowly slipping away from me. 

Today was one of those days spent with a bittersweet taste upon my lips. I completely and truly love my family. Although you can't choose blood, I am so grateful to be stuck with people who make me laugh at immature puns and put up with my, shall we say, oddities. As much as I would give to stay here with the ones who make me happiest, I know that we shall soon be back to our awkward meals. Less than 2 months until my return to the sunny shores of California (West Coast, best coast). With this in mind, I am quite frankly excited to return back to university. 

Spring semester always flies by before my eyes and that makes the anticipation of returning to my oh so lovely dorm room even more thrilling. I have my new friends to spend my days with, along with the new courses to finish off the end of a crazy freshman year of college. I may be getting ahead of myself, but I'm a planner and I never want my future to be a complete surprise. 

It was a day full of love and a day to reflect back on these past couple weeks in this little old town. I love you, California, and I promise I will never stop. I swear to you that I will come visit sooner rather than later. But today proved I'm as ready as I'll ever be to head back to the reality that once condemned my every thought. I've grown up and time surely has passed. 

Maybe the way Taylor Swift wrote these lyrics isn't the same reasoning behind my connection to them. Maybe there is some enigmatic reason behind the repetition of this one song in my head all day long. Maybe, well, I'm crazy. But whatever the case may be, I'm happy.                                        

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