Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Keep Your Head Up.

"Oh, looking out at this happiness.
I search for between the sheets.
All I was searching for was me."

-Ben Howard

The countdown is still ticking down the days until I am back in my beloved California. Ah, for I cannot wait until I can see the discolored sunsets and feel the salt in the sweet ocean air. Although the days seem longer and longer as time passes by, I feel as if I can already feel the breeze over here in the South. 

While my roommate and I are overly eager about our break to come, there are other burdens and thoughts pondering in our minds. Today's biggest quandary: next year's living arrangements. Our good friends, S and K, want to share one giant apartment dorm in which we can cook and bake our lives away as much as we'd like. Although that sounds absolutely lovely to live within the aroma of cookies and pastries, EH and I have other duties we plan to apply for. Knowing this leaves me some comfort in the fact that I have options and there is no definite answer. It's one of the few times I enjoy the unknown.

I think one of the reasons I am so intrigued by this question mark of a situation is because that event is dwelling even farther away from our wants and desires. Even though it is only the beginning of a cold January, I feel as if March is right around the corner. Once that time does arrive and complete, April will spring upon us. Luckily, April is my favorite month for many a reason. As for now, I'll keep those ideas under wraps. But I will say that despite how far away things seem, time really does fly. It doesn't matter if fun is present or not. Time is still alive and it is breathing just like any other human being. It is a soul that is carefree and patient and all the many qualities I wish I could possess. 

So, clock on the wall, keep ticking. In the meantime, let me figure out some more rights and wrongs. Let me have a few more breakdowns and a lot more laughs. Maybe I could squeeze in a bowl of ice cream or two. (Fingers crossed!) March 1rst, I'm counting on you. Hopefully, by then, you're ready for what I have to offer, too.

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