Tuesday, January 8, 2013


"You know you want it.
So come and get it.


The little moments in life can make a huge impact on my mood. Whether it's a silly joke or bringing a memory back to my mind, I love the stuff that puts a smile upon my face. Today, again, was very stressful and I still wish I was crying with my mom by my side. Sadly, I do not have access to that luxury; I have to stand tall and be a big girl. Whatever that means...

After my long and tiring day of classes (I swear I was about to pass out from being so completely dizzy and unfocused in Stress Management), my roommate, EH, and I headed to the gym for a little workout session. Normally, I hate working out. But never have I done so as a stress reliever. Boy, 20 minutes on an elliptical can really bring out the calm in a person. Anyways, on our way back to our room, EH spotted a boy with some "weird hair". When I asked her to elaborate on such 'do, she merely replied, "It's short in the front and long in the back." My immediate reaction: mullets and this Karmin song. Like I do anytime I come across a certain song, I started singing the bridge with my off-key voice. EH joined along and it made for a quick little laugh. 

Even though this moment was literally a minute long, it made the long day somewhat worth it. I only wish it could have made all my homework and stress flush away, too. Reaching a bit too hard for the stars, aren't I?

So, as the countdown continues to the oh-so-wonderful Spring Break, I guess I just have to keep trying my hardest to enjoy those moments rather than focus on the topics that drive me mad. If only life were that simple...

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