Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rock and Roll.

"If they wanna rock, they rock.
If they wanna roll, they roll.
They can roll with the punches,
long as they get somewhere they know."

-Eric Hutchinson

Nothing gets me quite as excited as a great day. I would like the think the majority of people live for the best days of their lives. Today was definitely not the best day ever in my life. But it's been the best one in a while. Let's go over the facts:

-It's Thursday. Meaning tomorrow happens to be Friday. Which means...cheers to the freaking weekend.

-Three day weekend coming up. Thank you so much, Martin Luther King, Jr. You truly are amazing in all aspects. The extra day off is just the icing on the cake.

-I got to style someone today. It wasn't for anyone too famous; just my good friend J.Woo. Our inspiration was the 1920s and of course, I told him to go for the paperboy look. Might I add he will be looking quite dapper in his newsboy cap and black oxfords. 

-Blackout at school. Seriously, the moment the room went dark, my heart froze. I had never been so frightened by such a mundane occurrence. But, hey, I got out of math class 15 minutes early. Holla.

-2 refreshing workouts in the bag. Surprisingly enough for me to say, nothing feels as good as burning almost 600 calories in a matter of around 60 minutes. Hopefully, my body will start to change and I'm praying the pounds start shedding off in the very near future.

-Do you ever see one of those people who you are on a friendly basis, but don't really get to hang out with? As I walked into the gym, I ran into the new student center worker and my friend, Channing. Long story short: she lives 3000 miles away from me and yet, the small world that we live in, her family works with mine at my old high school. It's so great to catch up and see a familiar face. I love people like that.

Hopefully, I didn't bore you to death. Because, to be quite honest, I'm in love with how great this day was. And nothing can stop this feeling. Let's see what the weekend has in store, shall we now?

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