Tuesday, January 1, 2013

On My Own.

"There is a flame that never dies.
Even the darkest nights will end
and the sun will rise."

-Les Miserables

As the New Year rang in with the booming of illegal fireworks in the streets and Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York" filling the room with joy, I smiled for many reasons. 2013 is not just another year on a calendar upon my wall; it's a time full of chances and moments yet to be lived. It's the clean slate that has yet to be crowded by inside jokes and stupid mistakes. Another year means more time for anything and everything I decide to put my mind to. Might I add, this one will definitely be one for the record books. I can feel it upon me.

After staying up until the wee hours of the morning, I awoke to flowers gliding down the avenues in Pasadena in television format and my nephew gleaming his toothless little smile at me. Although this may not seem rather exciting or glamorous, it's a 8 A.M. wake up call I will always enjoy. 

Continuing the simplicity of today's string of events, my mom and I decided to drive North up the 101 to catch a movie in a classic, old fashioned theater. We have been literally dying to see Les Miserables on the big screen since the industry was in talks about the whole production. With our traditional large Diet Coke in hand, we sat down to go on the rollercoaster that is the story of Les Mis

We had our expectations due to seeing the musical live many a time before the silver screen edition came around. And, boy, was I completely enamored with everything the film had to offer. Who knew Eddie Redmayne had a voice like that! Pure angelic vocals from the ever gorgeous man who was, in my eyes, the star of the show. I was blown away with every scene he entered upon. His charisma exuded off the screen and completely melted my heart. 

While I could go on and on for hours about the entire cast Amanda Seyfried, you are amazing.), there is one particular moment where my heart completely stopped. The first note of Anne Hathaway's rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" had me close to tears. I was so captured by not only her vocal performance, but also her emotional expressions and actions throughout the course of the song. I felt as if I wanted to be her best friend and wipe her tears away as she sang her sorrows out. If I could elaborate more, I would. But I am still speechless over the beauty that I witnessed within this scene. 

I want to do so many things over this year: lose weight, blog EVERY day, write more and more, be a better friend. Even though I plan to have a lot on my plate, I know I can make it all happen if I put my heart to it. Seeing Les Miserables was the perfect start to my brand new year. It made me want to fight for what I believe in and always stay true in what I think. 

Thank you, Les Mis, for being my inspiration among many for this New Year. And thank you, Anne Hathaway, for proving that beauty lies in everything if you see it in the right light.

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