Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Love On Top.

"I can hear the wind whipping past my face.
As we dance the night away.
Boy, your lips taste like a night of champagne."


I spent my night watching athletes make fun of everything from the Sound of Music to themselves. It's the hardest I've laughed in a while and yes, there were tears of laughter shed. It was also a night for an amazing cause. The Battle of the Bruins raises money for Special Olympics in order to provide the organizations with more opportunities for the intellectually and physically challenged. I volunteered a lot of my time with Special Olympics in high school and to this day, I would still love to be a special education teacher. I feel as if many people don't realize how much of a blessing each and every one of those special athletes is. They amaze me beyond belief and I'm inspired to how dedicated they are. Tonight was just another friendly reminder that when all may be blurry and the tensions have risen, a sweet little song and dance can make your heart calm again.

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