Thursday, January 24, 2013


"Oh gravity,
stay the hell away from me.
And gravity has taken better men than me.
How can that be?
Just keep me where the light is."

-John Mayer.

I apologize now for my absence yesterday. I was still trying to get over my PCD (for those who are unaware of this plaguing disease, Post Concert Depression). It's a tough fight to battle and it always gets me down for a solid week after I see a show. And after seeing Ed, I'm surprised that I'm recovering this well.

I have found a new love affair: restorative yoga. Every Thursday, Katy and I pull out our leggings and head over to the gym to center the inner Chi. For 75 minutes, it's a time of complete relaxation. While I may still have a million things on my mind, I have no obligation to do my tasks until I hear the word, "namaste". I just love being able to breathe in the sweet air of relaxation and rid myself of the stress built up from the week. Feeling the Earth beneath me while gravity holds me still makes me just fill with wonder.

I absolutely hate stress. I cannot stand it within my bones or my heart because it stops my mind from working in a positive way. Although I am not an optimistic person, I do believe in being happy about the little things. Yoga is that for me. 

As we ease into a calm weekend, let's remember to keep the heart free of worry and full of laughter. Namaste.

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