Friday, January 18, 2013

Sugar, We're Going Down.

"I'll be your number one,
 with a bullet.
A loaded gun complex,
cock it and pull it."

-Fall Out Boy

After a long, hard week, it's always good to relax with a big burger and a side of family love. Even though this wasn't my most stressful of weeks, it proved to be one that wore me to exhaustion. I can pretty much guarantee you that after I finish this post, I will be wrapped in a blanket, falling in love with Chuck Bass over an episode of Gossip Girl. I love to unwind during the most tired of times. It's what us Californians are known best for: getting to be chill and laid back.

Despite my lack of being half asleep all day long, I felt the need to be productive. This means accomplishing all errands I left up to this afternoon: mail center run, buying a notebook, and homework. Icky. It wasn't until I cracked open my math book until I found how easy college has actually been so far. The problems on the page made me ponder the thoughts of how simple of a class it really was in all reality. I mean, really? I'm in college and they still ask me if I know how to read a pie chart? Excuse me while I reminisce on 6th grade.

After the daunting task (not really) of figuring out what 0 divided by anything was, I received the best text message any college student could receive: an invitation to go out for food with a family. My friend, Katy, is from somewhere in the Windy City and her family decided to honor MLK Jr. with a trip down to ol' Nashville. I have never been so grateful to hang out with a mom and a dad in quite some time.

One thing to know about me is I love meeting parents. It doesn't matter how they act or who they are; I just absolutely love getting to know where my friends come from. It's such a humbling feeling to connect with the people that raised them and made them become the person that is my friend. I know my parents are a huge reflection on who I am as an individual and I wouldn't have it any other way.

We brisked the cold and dined under candlelight (unromantically, of course) with one of the sweetest families I have ever had the privilege to hang out with. Her mom and I discussed everything from sports to the reasons why I came so far away to college. We connected in a way that not a lot of adult to teenager interaction does. And in the meantime, might I add we were feasting on the God-given meal known as burger and fries. Don't forget the fried pickles. They are my weakness and pickles, I have decided, are my new kryptonite. I am absolutely obsessed with the salty vegetable of my childhood.

Despite the rather Arctic temperatures outside and the millions of minutes we had to wait for our table, I'm so grateful for what tonight brought. It gave me a comfort place within another family's love. It showed me that no matter where you are from, you can connect to anyone on the planet. And you can do all these things when it's shared over a plate of fries. Amen to Friday nights.

Oh yeah, and, the sunshine is back. And he better be here to stay.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw your comment in Lauren Conrad's forum and I thought I'd check your blog out.. I actually really like it! Maybe you'd like to check mine out as well. :) It's .

