Monday, January 7, 2013

Brooklyn Blurs.

"I can't believe that I'm still standing here.
I am a ghost to everyone I know."

-The Paper Raincoat

I don't think I've been more stressed in my life. I'm on the verge of tears and my stomach has been turning with fear and anxiety. That means only one thing: school is back in session. Normally, I would be delighted to see all my friends and excited to start off the semester with a positive mantra. That's not quite the case in this situation though. 

As the day progressed, the class load became heavier and by the time I got back to my dorm, I had had enough. It's been 8 hours since my last class of the day finished and I'm still in agonizing despair. And that's not even the beginning of how horrible I feel...

Rather than trudge along with the details of this quite awful first day, I have to go catch up on some homework. Already, I feel as if I'm behind by about 2 months.

Lord, save me now. Otherwise, I have no idea what the next few weeks will have in store for me and my personal state of being. 

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