Wednesday, January 16, 2013


"But I've been talking to God for so long,
that if you look at my life, 
I guess he talking back."

-Kanye West

As I awoke very early this morning, I wasn't quite prepared for the day. I was running late to class. I was bitter at the fact that I have to put on layer upon layer while keeping my fashion standards at their finest. I wasn't happy that it was only Wednesday when I wanted it to be a great Friday. I think we all get those days once in a while where you wish you didn't have to deal with the issues that burden your inner self.

The highlight I could not wait for was House Church. All day long, that was the mantra ruling over my mind and its thoughts. Settling back into the corner couch at my friend, M's, place with a cup of fully loaded sugar and milk coffee was like the feeling of home all over again. Our weekly circle went around and discussed the peaks and pits of our winter breaks. We laughed, we talked, and we understood.

Conversations ceased and we landed among the topic of what 2013 should be like while we reflected on the past 365 days known as 2012. I immediately realized: 2012 was the year I figured out things happen for a reason. Every moment in time is there to remember and live off of, no matter how you feel about in that second. I got to experience so many memories and emotions in the past year: graduation, wedding, newborn baby, college, moving away, saying goodbye. To kiss 2012 goodbye itself was, in all perspectives, bittersweet. I finished my soapbox speech by claiming that 2013 is not for me to change my mind or be a different person. 

2013 is going to be my year of fearlessness.

I'm ready to try. I'm ready to experience with a full and whole heart. I'm ready to take a leap of faith. In all aspects, I'm just ready. 

Saying it out loud to people I care about and letting the words drift among the air like dust was completely humbling in the best possible way, ever. Now, it's set in the stone of that moment. I have that word to live up to. As insane and scary as that sounds, my heart is in the right place to go out on that limb.

This whole idea is one reason why I decided to start this blog. Sure, I want this to be like my diary/fashion inspiration place/experience. But it's bigger than that. And that's such an enthralling feeling to share this opportunity with others. To be myself and at the same time, develop who I want to be later on in life.

So, for the next 300 something days, I'm going to be fearless in every definition of the word.

Because I'm ready to be fearless. 

P.S. Sorry for the random song selection as of recent. I'll be short and sweet about this one: I'm a huge Kanye fan. And this song gets me pumped like no other. Plus it makes me think of this video, which is hilarious. Thank you, Nick Grimshaw.

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