Saturday, January 12, 2013


"In these avenues,
and these reservoirs.
We're gonna show this town
how to kiss these stars.
I say."

-Kings of Leon

The moment where you completely forget about how foolish you look and you focus on the smiles around the room is one filled with magic and passion. These are nights that I live for because they create a euphoric feeling amongst everyone. It's so completely beautiful to watch people just lose their minds (in a good way, trust me) for something bigger than themselves.

Tonight, my friends and I ventured to a church worship night called Awakening. It's purpose is to "awaken a generation" in finding Jesus and reaching him throughout praise and song. Although I will first admit I am not a full-on Christian, I believe in God and I believe what the Bible says can guide a light throughout the darkest of times. For 3 hours, the room around me was full in the best of ways. After a tiresome, exhausting week of schoolwork and stress, it felt good to scream the lyrics to the songs and dance around like a fool. 

Being unashamed to go crazy is not something I do very often. I'm not spontaneous and I don't like looking stupid for any reason. But tonight was different. There was no judgement. There were no prerequisites. There was no definition of who to be. It was just us, God, and the music. It was inspirational. It was exciting. It was awakening.

Oh, and Sonic on the way home? Way into my heart, I say.

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