Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lucky Now.

"If the lights will draw you in,
And the dark can bring you down,
Then love will mend your heart."

-Ryan Adams

Reunited and it feels SO good. Today's adventure brought the "Limp Noodles" back together. It had been over 4 long, agonizing months since I had seen my best friend, E. 4 months of communication through texts and random Skype calls, all of which were lacking the purity of our silly inside jokes and snorting laughter. 

I cannot even begin to explain the tale of where this friendship began and where it's going. All I know is that E is my heart sister; she and I will never, ever grow apart. As far as distance makes us and as different as we truly are, it's the common bond between us that will never drive us apart. I'll admit, we've had our fights and our tears. But she is always the one that I immediately think of whenever I feel the need to smile. She is the first person I rely on for the cliche "Best Friends Forever" catchphrase.

Like always, we planned a mother-daughter date and talked about our separate lives. It is such a strange feeling not knowing all the gossip about one another right away. Even though we have such a tight bond, it was like I was getting to know her again for the first time. This phenomena kept hitting my mind whenever I looked at her. She is different, and I mean that in the best way possible.

Being basically like my sister, I've always wanted the best for her. I've been protective (maybe a little over the top) of her and believed that she was one of the sweetest people ever put on this Earth. I still know that to be a fact to this very day. But what I'm realizing now is the maturity in her actions. I see how she approaches everything with a touch of grace. She may still be the one who I can be stupid and crazy with, but she is becoming someone more than just my best friend. E is starting to become someone I only wish I could be. She is turning into a peer role model.

So, as we made fun of our moms and obsessed over English bulldogs, there was something different in the air. Sometimes, change can be hard to deal with and difficult to manage. Change is impossible to stop and can happen in the blink of an eye. But change like this is all for the better. And I cannot wait for 8 weeks to pass so I can spend time again with one of the best people I will ever know. 

Love you, E. You know who you are.

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