Friday, October 4, 2013

The Wire.

"And I'd give it all away
just so I could say
that I know, I know, I know, I know
that you're gonna be okay anyway."


It's Friday. We got here. Once again. WEEKEND TIME, EVERYBODY. And you know what else that means...?

Well, sure, it's a two day break off of school. But it's time for the weekly Friday Five. OH YEAH. Lately, I've been very inspired by the style of Kylie Jenner meets Alexa Chung meets Liam Payne. If that makes any sense to you at all, great! Basically, I'm going for a grunge tomboy 90s look. And it's bringing me back to my childhood roots of Converse and beanies. I could not be more excited for this man repeller trend I'm going for. Because I'm always leaning more toward mens' fashion, I'm going to cover a guy for Friday Five. And what guy exactly...? My man, Harry Styles. That boy knows his look and works it well. Here's my favorite looks.

When he wore this to the Burberry show in London last year, I could not help but stare at the rocking business look he pulled off. Professional yet cool.

Flannels are always in, people. The low-cut button-up adds some edge to the fedora and skinnies. Just stop being so rad, bro.

ARE YOU A MODEL OR WHAT. Leather jacket, collar up, v-neck. You know, it's casual.

Tank tops should be a staple in a man's closet. Maybe it's the California girl in me, but sun's out...guns out is the best policy ever.

Bandana? Check. Plaid? Check. Denim? Check. A la John Mayer much, Harry? YEAH.

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