Sunday, October 13, 2013

God Only Knows.

"God only knows
what I'd be 
without you."

-Beach Boys.

Love...what a broad yet beautiful spectacle of a subject. There's an innumerable ways to feel love and to be in love; no one can find the one definition that sums up the crazy, stupid, selfless things we do for it and why we do what we do when we're wrapped up in its confusion. Have I ever truly experienced it? No, not yet. But I know it's alive and I know one day, it will call my name and I'll be diving right in.

After a day filled with intense anger and emotional frustration with the ones I love, I realize how great the power of love is. Sure, I get mad at people. Yeah, I fight and scream and say things I'll soon regret, but luckily, I always have people who love me. And the feeling is more than mutual. I would do anything for a lot of people. I'm not important compared to those I love and that's why I literally would take bullets for people. I'd rather them live out their hopes and desires and dreams than have them destroyed and shattered to pieces. 

Sometimes, I want to be selfish and have to focus on myself. I try to keep myself sane by being shy or secretive and normally, my whole story never comes undone. It's all because I want to know other people and hear their stories, because they matter way more than I ever will. A lot of people say that's really pathetic, but I genuinely care more about other people's stories. I love memorizing the details and aspects of their lives because I know how much of a highlight it is to remember someone's favorite color or know their most embarrassing moment. 

I just want to do one thing with my life: show people all the love I can give. Sometimes I come off as hard-hearted and closed off, but I just want to love. Everything. Everyone. Life. Because love can change the world. And it matters immensely. Love can make someone's world great. Love is the greatest thing on the planet. Love matters.

(Can you tell I watched Romeo & Juliet and Love Actually tonight? Cause...well, that happened.) 

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