Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Forever and For Always.

"In your heart,
I can still hear a beat
for every time you kiss me."

-Shania Twain.

It's the best when you hear an old favorite song and the words just come out without any hesitation. Shania Twain was probably one of my idols as a little girl and I don't regret a second I spent memorizing every line to her songs. SHE'S JUST COUNTRY-POP ROYALTY, EVERYONE.

Also, the Christmas music has commenced in room 400. And it's a magical occasion. It's one of those things that just gets anyone in the happiest of moods. Joy instilled in the lyrics and heart in its greatest capacity within the melody. CHRISTMAS.

Besides that, things are moving pretty slow here in good ol' Nash. Maybe it's because fall break is closing its chapter and we're moving on to the second half of the first semester of sophomore year. Daunting, true. But exhilarating to know that it's literally seven and a half weeks until I return to the beauty of the Golden State. She is calling my name and although I long for her warm winters and salty sea air, I need to do "werk". But honestly, it's all downhill from here.

We're going to get there soon. Aren't we?

Oh yeah, and I thought this was cute. So...here you go.


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