Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ride Wit Me.

"Oh why must I feel this way?
Hey, must be the money!"


College is all about the spontaneous moments that make their way into our minds as the memories that build our character. You're supposed to drive through fast food places at midnight. You're supposed to get mad or upset or stressed out over keeping friendships. You're supposed to laugh over inappropriate jokes. You're supposed to develop your faith and find who you are and where you're going. That's the beauty of this whole experience. You can use these moments to form your life and define who you want to become, and you don't need to explain why. You never have to justify who you are.

If you don't know what you want to do after college, that's okay. If you have a lot on your plate and feel stretched thin, that's okay. If you get homesick some days, that's okay. It's a part of growing up. We don't have to try to make reasons of why you shouldn't feel this way. Just be. Simple as that.

I feel like as a college student, my friends and I lose sight of the reality that college sets for people. Yeah, it's about your growth in learning through higher education. You are still a student, discovering new factors about your major or area of interest. But if you read between the lines of that syllabus or mission statement, you'll see so much more than the grades you're going to earn or the requirements needed to graduate on time. You will see that this whole experience is to trust, to understand, to feel. It's time to live. 

And that's all okay. You will be fine in the end.

So take a break. Breathe in deep. Eat some ice cream. Indulge in your favorite TV show for seven hours. Rewatch all of your favorite movies. Write. Read anything. Drink more coffee than you can handle. Pull all-nighters. Draw. Paint. Dance around. Laugh at the little things. Find what makes your heart so happy and do that. You are worth it enough to make your life filled with joy. In the words of Dwayne from Little Miss Sunshine:

**I apologize for the expletive, but you get the point.**

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