Thursday, October 10, 2013

Closer To Love.

"I guess we're all
one phone call from our knees.
We're gonna get there soon."

-Mat Kearney.

This song. It's everything to me. So many moments in my life bring me back to this song, and even more specifically, this lyric. It's the solid truth: phone calls can make or break us. They can be the best surprises or the worst breakdowns. I always forget about the emotional value behind a phone call because I loathe conversations through an electronic device. But, today I was reminded of how much love can be brought through those talks.

First off, my weekly call with the grandparents was a hoot. To hear my grandma yell at my grandpa through the house to hang up the phone was hilarious. Then to hear her pick it up and be so thankful that she was getting to talk to me was the icing on the cake. Goodness, I love those old people. They're 20-year-olds at heart and in the best way possible. I literally cannot imagine my life without them. They bring me too much joy, I can barely handle it. 

I also got all the high school drama reports from my boy, Connor. That kid...he's my homie. Through thick and thin, he knows how to keep me grounded and to get me back to the real world. It's really cool that the kid can level my thinking and also casually insult me in a hilarious way. Like I said, I don't spend a lot of time for phone calls, but hearing his voice made me feel at home again. Despite his friendship issues at the moment, that talk was very much so needed. Miss that kiddo more and more every day.

And...daily calls to my parents. My parents are WAAAAY too good for me. I literally cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am to have parents like mine. They are honestly the best. Enough said.

People are crazy and weird, but so worth it. Same as phone calls. In the long run, hearing the voices of the people I love are some of the greatest sounds.

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