Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Feels Like Today.

"You treat life like a picture.
But it's not a moment frozen in time.
It's not gonna wait
till you make up your mind, at all."

-Rascal Flatts.

Why, oh why, does my body choose to lose its immune system during such a detrimental week? I need a break from life in order to sleep and to get rid of this nasty head cold I feel coming on. Where is my mommy to take care of this sickness for me? Boo. I hate feeling like this. All I can think is: "Dizzy. Sleepy. Don't swallow, your throat is on fire. No dairy. I want milk...wait, no dairy. I hate school." Yep, my thought process sure is diverse, ain't it?

While I take the night off and focus on my rest, I want to take a moment to give this song a shout out. This was one of the first country songs I got into by myself. I remember watching the music video for it and just thinking the lyrics knew all. It's crazy because I honestly haven't heard this song for probably four years. But as I revved my car engine and sped through the foggy morning, the melody made sense and life was still. It's beautiful how a song can totally take you to your happy place, even when it's not the most played or recent hit.

What song takes you to your zen? What song takes you back to the calm places? Let me know. Because music is powerful and beautiful and what's better than that.

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