Thursday, October 3, 2013

Catch My Breath.

"Laughing hard with the windows down.
Leaving footprints all over town.
Keeping faith, karma comes around."

-Kelly Clarkson.

Music plays a huge factor in my life, if you haven't noticed. I live in Nashville for goodness sake! Whenever something significant or big in my life happens, I'm always in tune to what song is playing or what lyrics race through my mind. It's just second nature; I don't even realize it happens until I analyze the moments like I am right now.

Long story short: I got into a minor car accident this afternoon. I'm okay and I surprisingly didn't cry. My car needs a little repair, but nothing is unfixable at this point (which is AMAZING). But it's one of those things that I'm always going to remember. I mean, what day is it today...October 3rd. (Mean Girls, anyone?) 

This Kelly song was on in the auto body shop I visited this afternoon. And when it came on, I thought about the title of "Catch My Breath". Sure, I wasn't injured in the small crash, but that song made me think how blessed I am that I was physically stable and fine. I was upset over my car (I won't's my baby), but like, the other driver and I walked away from it perfectly fine. That's a major Hallelujah moment right there for me. It was such a surreal experience to know that in a couple weeks, this will be old news. It won't be a story I tell about a scar or an explanation about the dent in my bumper. It'll just be a random thing that happened to me in my sophomore year. And I'm really lucky that it wasn't worse than what's been done.

I'm in a stable enough place to be "okay" with this whole ordeal. I'm making it sound worse than what it actually was because honestly, all I did was shake for the first five minutes and then I calmed down like no big deal. That's a cool thing to take care of life, even in not so good situations, and make it okay. I like this vibe. I really do.

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