Monday, October 7, 2013

That Girl.

"So what, you're from the other side of the tracks
so what, the world don't think we match."

-Justin Timberlake.

The rumors are true. Yoga cleanses the soul and the body from all impurities. The strenuous stretches and hard holds give off so much determination while ridding of all toxins within the pores. Yoga was just what I needed after my stressful, emotional day. Who knew that in a matter of 11 hours I could go from being confident to complete stress sickness to car ride laughs to the complete emotional phone breakdown? Rollercoaster, much. 

Yoga dates with Miss Nikki are just plain perfect, okay? I swear to you, that girl is a glass of Tennessee sweet tea with a pinch of sugar and sass. In case you're wondering, that combination is pure and fabulous in the best ways possible. She always has the greatest stories and the most insightful advice that I just am all open to hear. So so SO grateful for our friendship and the entirety of what it is. SO GOOD.

Anyways...long story short: midterms suck. Big time. Yep...


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