Wednesday, October 30, 2013


"We could run forever,
if you wanted to.
I would not get tired
because I'd be with you."

-Jonas Brothers.

It's official: the Jonas Brothers are no more. My whole apartment is in mourning over this statement and we literally can't get over it. It's hard to believe, to be honest. I mean, we all dedicated so much of our lives to this band and we love them with all of our hearts. How can they break up just like that? Not fair. I know they want to focus on themselves, but what about us guys? I sure will miss the anticipation for new JB albums and the hope that they will be touring close enough for me to spend too much money to see my boys. The "original" boys. The first "JB". RIP Jonas. 

In lighter news, HALLOWEEN IS TOMORROW. One night where you can pretend to be whatever or whoever you want. Ah, I love festivities and dressing up. It's the absolute best. Despite the threatening thunderstorms tomorrow holds, I plan to go out and get me some free candy. Sure, I'm in college, but it's still fun! Here are a few last minute costume ideas I'm pondering on:

Classic and classy, if I do say so myself. Can't go wrong with the Breakfast at Tiffany's ensemble, am I right?

The "bad" Sandy is probably the hottest look in a movie...EVER. All I need is some leather leggings and killer stilettos. Tempting...

I've really been into this Morton Salt concept as of late. I'm obsessed with yellow, it has an umbrella to brave the rain and it's pretty simple. Possibly?

Flapper outfits are my weakness. It's always a good choice to Gatsby it up for the night.

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