Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I know.

"The way I'm young,
the way I cry,
the way I love rose
with the ties."

-Tom Odell.

So much good music is out right now, people! I cannot stress how excited I am for all the new albums that have come out within the past couple weeks. Oh my goodness, it's some good stuff. New music overload will make the Spotify selections much less overplayed. 

Here is my latest discovery: Tom Odell. His piano skills are superb and every song rips my heart out with emotion in the best way possible. Singer/songwriter people get the best of me, what can I say? Especially the British ones. Am I right or am I right? Exactly.

Also, before I leave you to it and let you discover his musical genius, some highlights of my day:

1. I GET TO CO-WRITE A FASHION COLUMN FOR MY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER. Can you tell my excitement? Literally, I haven't been this excited since seeing One Direction this summer. Like, I'm that stoked. GAH.

2. Another article: I get to review a restaurant that serves Australian food. You heard me. Australian food. Vegemite and meat pie for one, please!

3. No midterm for Philosophy class. Any time a teacher gets rid of an assignment, it's pure bliss in my life.

4. Job interview number one commences Friday. Time to get prepared and study my handshaking skills. Hmmm...or I should just be myself and answer the questions politely and honestly. Sounds good to me!

It's been a great week, you guys. A great one...

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