Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes.

"Oh, I said, 'I'm so happy 
I could die.'
She said, 'Drop dead,'
then left with another guy."

-Elvis Costello.

It's October 9th. And things are good. This week has been a rollercoaster, but today was the peak, for sure. I mean, so many great things happened:

1) Judah and the Lion convo. Their music is golden. Seriously, if you are in for lighthearted Americana folk music, they are your band. They're like, the Nashville Mumford. Banjo and fiddle and joy and yes.

2) I have at least a solid 4 A's in my classes so far. Like...what! I was expecting the worst and I guess my stress and hard work has paid off. I honestly was thinking that this semester would be my worst academically because I get so overwhelmed with all the projects I have due. But honestly, I'm legitimately proud of my accomplishments in these past eight weeks. Like, wow.

3) The weather was GLORIOUS today. Enough said.

4) House church. One of my reasons for getting through the first half of the week. Nothing beats ice cream and life talks. Those girls are all such a blessing and I've never felt more myself and comfortable with being in my life. Ah, it feels good to know that.


After all the goodness filling my life, I'm just smiling away. I can't wait what the next eight weeks have in store. As they say, time sure flies when you're having fun...and that downhill ride to winter break is speeding away.

Oh yeah, here's a sneak peek to how I felt today (well, without the drugs...only high on life over here):

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