Thursday, October 31, 2013

Monster Mash.

"He did the monster mash.
It was a graveyard smash..."

-Bobby "Boris" Pickett.

Boo-ritos. Mall trick-or-treating. Pumpkin cheesecake Krispy Kremes. Gossip Girl marathon. Eerie tornado watch. Racing clouds. Blinding headlight traffic. Thriller dancing. Yep, Halloween 2013 was a success in all the best ways.

The its finest moments.

Roomies forever.

Awk city, yo.

America. Depressed Jonas fan. Sandy. #BOOM.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


"We could run forever,
if you wanted to.
I would not get tired
because I'd be with you."

-Jonas Brothers.

It's official: the Jonas Brothers are no more. My whole apartment is in mourning over this statement and we literally can't get over it. It's hard to believe, to be honest. I mean, we all dedicated so much of our lives to this band and we love them with all of our hearts. How can they break up just like that? Not fair. I know they want to focus on themselves, but what about us guys? I sure will miss the anticipation for new JB albums and the hope that they will be touring close enough for me to spend too much money to see my boys. The "original" boys. The first "JB". RIP Jonas. 

In lighter news, HALLOWEEN IS TOMORROW. One night where you can pretend to be whatever or whoever you want. Ah, I love festivities and dressing up. It's the absolute best. Despite the threatening thunderstorms tomorrow holds, I plan to go out and get me some free candy. Sure, I'm in college, but it's still fun! Here are a few last minute costume ideas I'm pondering on:

Classic and classy, if I do say so myself. Can't go wrong with the Breakfast at Tiffany's ensemble, am I right?

The "bad" Sandy is probably the hottest look in a movie...EVER. All I need is some leather leggings and killer stilettos. Tempting...

I've really been into this Morton Salt concept as of late. I'm obsessed with yellow, it has an umbrella to brave the rain and it's pretty simple. Possibly?

Flapper outfits are my weakness. It's always a good choice to Gatsby it up for the night.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Feels Like Today.

"You treat life like a picture.
But it's not a moment frozen in time.
It's not gonna wait
till you make up your mind, at all."

-Rascal Flatts.

Why, oh why, does my body choose to lose its immune system during such a detrimental week? I need a break from life in order to sleep and to get rid of this nasty head cold I feel coming on. Where is my mommy to take care of this sickness for me? Boo. I hate feeling like this. All I can think is: "Dizzy. Sleepy. Don't swallow, your throat is on fire. No dairy. I want milk...wait, no dairy. I hate school." Yep, my thought process sure is diverse, ain't it?

While I take the night off and focus on my rest, I want to take a moment to give this song a shout out. This was one of the first country songs I got into by myself. I remember watching the music video for it and just thinking the lyrics knew all. It's crazy because I honestly haven't heard this song for probably four years. But as I revved my car engine and sped through the foggy morning, the melody made sense and life was still. It's beautiful how a song can totally take you to your happy place, even when it's not the most played or recent hit.

What song takes you to your zen? What song takes you back to the calm places? Let me know. Because music is powerful and beautiful and what's better than that.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Pretty Girl Rock.

"Get yourself together, don't hate.
Never do it.
Jealousy is the ugliest trait.
Don't, never do it."

-Keri Hilson.

My life is being consumed by the misery we all know as school. I have tons of papers and projects and geez, it's getting out of hand. It's another moment where I question if I'm stretching myself too thin. But then again, maybe it's just a Monday. And maybe since time is getting so close, I'm longing for Thanksgiving beach time and California Christmas even more so. 

37 more days, you guys. 37 til I see that West Coast sunset and live my small town life once again. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Redneck Yacht Club.

"And meet us out at party cove.
Come on in, the water's fine.
Just idle on over,
and toss us a line."

-Craig Morgan.

On my early morning drive to work this morning, this great song came on. You know when you haven't heard a song for a while and when it comes on, the words just burst out without any hesitation? Yeah, well...that happened. And it felt GOOD. With the content of the lyrics, it surely made me miss summertime out on the lake. But it felt like home, driving in my Barbie car and screaming out the words to a country song. It's good to feel like home in Nashville. It means things are right.

Anyways, I missed the whole Friday Five deal due to my Selena show. Here's a Sunday Surprise to make up for it. This blogger, Lauren Maxwell, basically lives my dream life. She interns at Teen Vogue in NYC, lives close to her family during school and is a complete blonde bombshell. Need I say more? Here are some of my favorite looks from her site:

In lust over that military-leather trench. And the houndstooth shift dress? Icing on the cake to this sweetness of an ensemble.

We all know fall is here and it is, for sure, here to stay. This is the ultimate girly look for the autumn leaves. A little spruce of florals and a dash of babydoll dresses.

Laced-up anything on the toes makes me one happy girl. This outfit is all parts sassy, classy and cool put together. 

All black, all the time. That seems to be my motto as of late. And you guys should know by now how much I fawn over this skort from Zara. Monochrome edge is always the rage.

I'm a sucker for my favorite staples. Cutoffs, vintage-like Raybans and an eyelet crop top? This screams beach and summer and the best that life has to offer.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


"I'm giving you the X's.
I'm giving you the O's.
I'm giving you everything in between.
I saved it all for you."


Disclaimer: this is my new jam because it's a sweet reminder of the fact I will be returning to my homeland in 40 days. SO CLOSE.

Laughter is honestly the best medicine one could ever ask for. I don't rely on the prescribed pills or doctor's orders. I live by the inside jokes and witty remarks. They make me happy and they make the days seem smoother. Tonight was one for the books in terms of cracking up nonstop. Sure, my sense of humor is rather vulgar and not always on point, but it sure makes me happy. 

I would elaborate more on the Follies and cheesecake, but sadly, I must be getting some shut eye. Tomorrow marks my first day on the job and hanging out with the best toddlers! But that 8am start calls for some well-needed sleep. 

Hope your weekend is full of good vibes and good times.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Come And Get It.

"I'm not too shy
to show I love you.
I've got no regrets."

-Selena Gomez.

I returned to the days of the preteen hysteria over Disney super stars and danced the night away to bubblegum pop-techno. And I'll admit...I don't regret a second of my raging Friday night. Selena Gomez was graceful and beautiful, as per the usual. I also got a small, bittersweet taste of SoCal love from the boys of Emblem3. A little raunchy, sure, but they sure do prove that West Coast is truly best coast. Nashville, this is just one of the many ways you are too good for me and my inner tween. 

Selena, you are too pretty and wonderful.

These West Coast boys got my heart tonight.

E3 forever.

Stars Dance Tour 2013.

Who says.

Slow down the song.

When you're na na na.

You've got every right to a beautiful life...


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Magnolia Tree.

"Watch your smile,
so big and blue.
Won't you kiss me
underneath the moon?"

-Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors.

There's beauty in choosing the support systems we call friends. They are the family you call your own and you make them your own blood. You love them and worry about them and figure them out better than you know yourself. The people around you make the biggest influence on who you are and I am beyond blessed to be surrounded by people who I can honestly say I will never be good enough for. 

The colder the weather gets, the more frequent coffee dates become. Today's cafe adventure led me and my sweet friend, Nikki, to East Nash. Barista Parlour was on the agenda and along with visiting the warehouse-chic shop being a first in my book, I snacked on my first macaron and sipped upon the richest of vanilla lattes. Am I hipster enough yet?

Anywho, my little talks with Nikki are literally the most heart-filled chats. I cannot begin to tell you how her intricate, philosophical outlooks open up the floodgates to emotions and revelations galore. We discovered love languages and realized the importance of quality over quantity. We laughed over baby pictures and cried over two old people in love. Revealing my most vulnerable thoughts about relationships and secrets and family and life is terrifying to most, but with her, it's comfortably set. There's something reassuring in our friendship and a sense of mutual understanding'm so grateful for. Cliche, sure, but her company is some of the best around and I don't know where I'd be without her Southern charm and sweet grace. 

Life's pretty crazy, if you ask me. But with great friends and wonderful discussions, the tension is eased and the moments are magical. The unsteady times and angering anxiety becomes quiet and I can just be still. 

My heart is full, y'all. It truly is.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ride Wit Me.

"Oh why must I feel this way?
Hey, must be the money!"


College is all about the spontaneous moments that make their way into our minds as the memories that build our character. You're supposed to drive through fast food places at midnight. You're supposed to get mad or upset or stressed out over keeping friendships. You're supposed to laugh over inappropriate jokes. You're supposed to develop your faith and find who you are and where you're going. That's the beauty of this whole experience. You can use these moments to form your life and define who you want to become, and you don't need to explain why. You never have to justify who you are.

If you don't know what you want to do after college, that's okay. If you have a lot on your plate and feel stretched thin, that's okay. If you get homesick some days, that's okay. It's a part of growing up. We don't have to try to make reasons of why you shouldn't feel this way. Just be. Simple as that.

I feel like as a college student, my friends and I lose sight of the reality that college sets for people. Yeah, it's about your growth in learning through higher education. You are still a student, discovering new factors about your major or area of interest. But if you read between the lines of that syllabus or mission statement, you'll see so much more than the grades you're going to earn or the requirements needed to graduate on time. You will see that this whole experience is to trust, to understand, to feel. It's time to live. 

And that's all okay. You will be fine in the end.

So take a break. Breathe in deep. Eat some ice cream. Indulge in your favorite TV show for seven hours. Rewatch all of your favorite movies. Write. Read anything. Drink more coffee than you can handle. Pull all-nighters. Draw. Paint. Dance around. Laugh at the little things. Find what makes your heart so happy and do that. You are worth it enough to make your life filled with joy. In the words of Dwayne from Little Miss Sunshine:

**I apologize for the expletive, but you get the point.**

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Silver Lining.

"Cause if you're ever gonna find a four-leaf clover,
you gotta get a little dirt on your hands."

-Kacey Musgraves.

So for those of you who don't know (kinda in the same boat over here!), Forever 21 has launched somewhat of a new platform. It's customized to showcase their pieces on actual people that send in their pics via Instagram. How amazing this is because you can see the outfit on something other than the picture-perfect model. What a cool way to get inspired to simple folks like me and you! By no means is today a Friday Five ( if!), but I'm still going to highlight some of my favorite thrown together looks, all from #F21xME.

All about the grunge meets thug look. My favorite for the fall season.

Florals and neutral flats are always perfection in my book.

Gosh, that printed skirt and off-shouldered blazer looks professional and chic. LOVE.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Old School Love.

"Takes a long time to happen so fast
and realize your future
is somebody else's past."

-Lupe Fiasco & Ed Sheeran.

Things are looking really good lately. By no means am I living the typical college experience (partying on Monday that a thing?), but I love spending week nights catching up on the latest Teen Vogue and following the joy of a magazine with the love for Gossip Girl. Man, I forgot how intense Season Two is. Chuck Bass really hits a break, but I love him even more so for it!

Anyways, might as well start off this week with a new jam, right? Rap has been on my number one priority list as of late. I keep getting hooked to stuff a la Kanye, Big Sean, etc. I'm just so obsessed with the rhyme schemes and the beats. This song has more of a chill vibe and I'm digging the contradicting collaboration. Take a listen for yourself if you please...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Day I Lost My Voice (The Suitcase Song).

"You see, love is a drink
that goes straight to my head.
And time is a lover 
and I'm caught in her stead."


Last night, I became the proud owner of a new bikini. Although I fit in it fine, I want to look SO good in it for Florida. So, as of tomorrow, I am on a strict diet/workout routine to make sure that I get toned. Six weeks to sexy body. Well...something like that, I guess. Maybe lose a good ten pounds? A girl can dream, right? IMMA DO WERK.

Another newsflash: my babysitter from childhood met my role model, Giuliana Rancic, today. Like...whaaaaa. Literally, never been so jealous of anyone in my life. If I could have lunch with G, I would probably drop to the floor of pure happiness because she is who I look toward for my professional career. I want to follow in her footsteps and have her great journalistic credibility. Goodness, the green little monster inside of me is definitely showing over this encounter.

Lastly, my hometown high school homecoming was last night. My favorite littles got to dance the night away and look mighty fine while doing it! Boy, do I have some beautiful friends.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


"Say she from the hood
but she live inside the valley.
Now vacate in Atlanta,
then she going back to Cali."

-A$AP Rocky, Drake & Kendrick Lamar.

Can I let you in on a secret? My guilty pleasure is a good rap song. I wouldn't say I'm an OG, but I get pretty thug when there's a dope beat on and the lyrics are beyond authentic. By no means is this song the most meaningful thing I've ever heard, but boy is it catchy. I have been trying to learn the words since June and I'm just now getting on board with the flow of the tune. But let me tell you: I'm obsessed. I can definitely say this will be on my top favorite rap songs of the year. Along with: Black Skinheads, Tom Ford, Own It, Beware (if that song counts as rap...). 

Besides that, my day was quite uneventful. I'm pretty sure I spent about four hours straight on the couch watching SEC football in sweatpants. How glamorous am I?! Oh yeah, and to make things even more exciting, I ventured by my lonesome to Target to buy myself some Break'n'Bake Halloween cookies and a new bathing suit as an incentive to stop eating bad. What a wonderful life I lead as a college student. Nothing says party like a trip to the store alone followed by chick flick/Friends marathon on a Saturday night! Am I right?

I guess we all have those days sometimes. I just can't wait until the days of legal drinking age where I can somewhat drown out my sorrows of lonely weekend nights with a glass of wine or the good ol' Lime-A-Rita. Man, I sound like some alcoholic, don't I? Better bite my tongue now before this post gets too out of hand.

One last thing...this happened. And I don't know how I feel about it.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Somewhere In Neverland.

"Wendy, we can get away
I promise if you're with me,
say the word and we'll find a way.
I can be your lost boy, your last chance."

-All Time Low.

Ending the week off with a delicious burger and the ballet version of "Peter Pan" was all I could have ever asked for. Gosh, why does growing up have to be so...real and stupid? I've never wanted to get old and I just wish I could be 5 all over again. WHYYYY.

Anyways, speaking of five, Friday Five, anyone?

Kylie Jenner is the coolest kid on the block in this ensemble. Those oxblood leather pants are literally to die for and that houndstooth-like coat is making me sigh of light-hearted jealousy. Please let me take your closet, thanks.

I may not be girly, but a tulle-inspired skirt gets me right on board. Mrs. Jessica Alba looking ravishing as always in this sweater/skirt combo.

All black, err day. I'm so infatuated with the beanie-cool girl look lately. I wish I was rad enough to throw on those leather leggings and shades. 

So...I've heard pink coats are all the rage this season. Whether or not this seems to be the case, I'm totally digging this chic, rugged vibe with a blush tone jacket and ripped boyfriend jeans. Always a great must.

Kim Kardashian actually looking super fab for once. (No offense...just not into her kind of style.) Loving the simplicity of the LBD mixed with a on-the-shoulder cream blazer. And those black caged heels take the cake for this look.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Make A Living.

"I'd rather make a living
just being myself."

-Steve Moakler.

Brisk, autumn air. Twinkling lights. Red velvet cupcakes and crack cookies. Warm apple cider. Blankets galore. I'm all about a barefoot, blue jean night filled with great people and private concerts. Especially if those concerts involve someone as genuine as Steve Moakler. What a guy. He surely is golden. 

Fall has been confusing, but so good to me. I'm beyond blessed for this season and this life. Sure, I lose sight of it at times, but all in all, everything's right. Tonight was just one small yet beautiful reminder of the heart of life. And it's honestly mindblowing how much love is around me. Wow, it's been real.

That's the thing about us...


- M O A K T O W N -

We all wake up to different situations...

Best night with the best roomie. Love you, girl.


Thank you to Steve for playing one of my favorite shows ever. And thank you to Kate for arranging this whole production. And thank you to people for being...well, you.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Good Day.

"We're gonna have a good day
And ain't nobody gonna cry today
Cause ain't nobody gonna die today
Save that drama for another day."

-Nappy Roots.

Were you aware of Bridal Fashion Week? Cause I was...after it was already over. Good to know how up to date I can stay. But that's beside the point. Want to see some of my favorites? Another rhetorical question, but I'll get right to the point on this. Let's just lust over these designs and dream of the day we walk down the aisle. Shall we...?

I'm not one to shy away from the traditional white gown, but this cotton candy confection is simply sensational. (Like the alliteration, eh?) A designer by the name of Watters created this light pink number and the headpiece is the icing on the cake, if I do say so myself.

I'm a sucker for anything Marchesa. My goal is to be wearing a white dress with the likes of this aesthetic. Delicate? Check. Lacy? Check. Marchesa? You know it.

Sadly, I did not have access to any other dresses, but from what I've heard: pink, gold embellishments and old Hollywood glamour stole the shows.

Ah, weddings. Hear the bells ringing and choir singing. Better run before I get wrapped up in the "I dos". 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Forever and For Always.

"In your heart,
I can still hear a beat
for every time you kiss me."

-Shania Twain.

It's the best when you hear an old favorite song and the words just come out without any hesitation. Shania Twain was probably one of my idols as a little girl and I don't regret a second I spent memorizing every line to her songs. SHE'S JUST COUNTRY-POP ROYALTY, EVERYONE.

Also, the Christmas music has commenced in room 400. And it's a magical occasion. It's one of those things that just gets anyone in the happiest of moods. Joy instilled in the lyrics and heart in its greatest capacity within the melody. CHRISTMAS.

Besides that, things are moving pretty slow here in good ol' Nash. Maybe it's because fall break is closing its chapter and we're moving on to the second half of the first semester of sophomore year. Daunting, true. But exhilarating to know that it's literally seven and a half weeks until I return to the beauty of the Golden State. She is calling my name and although I long for her warm winters and salty sea air, I need to do "werk". But honestly, it's all downhill from here.

We're going to get there soon. Aren't we?

Oh yeah, and I thought this was cute. you go.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

God Only Knows.

"God only knows
what I'd be 
without you."

-Beach Boys.

Love...what a broad yet beautiful spectacle of a subject. There's an innumerable ways to feel love and to be in love; no one can find the one definition that sums up the crazy, stupid, selfless things we do for it and why we do what we do when we're wrapped up in its confusion. Have I ever truly experienced it? No, not yet. But I know it's alive and I know one day, it will call my name and I'll be diving right in.

After a day filled with intense anger and emotional frustration with the ones I love, I realize how great the power of love is. Sure, I get mad at people. Yeah, I fight and scream and say things I'll soon regret, but luckily, I always have people who love me. And the feeling is more than mutual. I would do anything for a lot of people. I'm not important compared to those I love and that's why I literally would take bullets for people. I'd rather them live out their hopes and desires and dreams than have them destroyed and shattered to pieces. 

Sometimes, I want to be selfish and have to focus on myself. I try to keep myself sane by being shy or secretive and normally, my whole story never comes undone. It's all because I want to know other people and hear their stories, because they matter way more than I ever will. A lot of people say that's really pathetic, but I genuinely care more about other people's stories. I love memorizing the details and aspects of their lives because I know how much of a highlight it is to remember someone's favorite color or know their most embarrassing moment. 

I just want to do one thing with my life: show people all the love I can give. Sometimes I come off as hard-hearted and closed off, but I just want to love. Everything. Everyone. Life. Because love can change the world. And it matters immensely. Love can make someone's world great. Love is the greatest thing on the planet. Love matters.

(Can you tell I watched Romeo & Juliet and Love Actually tonight? Cause...well, that happened.) 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sweet Tennessee.

"Take me where the hills are calling,
the fields are made of green.
I don't need some big old city, Lord.
Give me Tennessee."

-Judah & The Lion.

It was a beautiful autumn day in the middle of Nashville. The sun tried to peek its way through, but provided just the right amount of heat to tan and watch wonderful (and free) live music being performed. One of the best perks of living in Music City...there is always another concert to be heading to. 

Today on the line-up: Judah & The Lion and Matthew Perryman Jones. And both acts totally killed it in the best way possible. Nothing beats genuine tunes and warm sunshine in my book. What a lovely Saturday afternoon.

Side note: Tried apple crisp for the first time today...and liked it. WHO AM I AND WHERE IS THE OLD PICKY EATER ME GOING. Purely madness.