Thursday, September 19, 2013


"And if you're still breathing,
you're the lucky ones."


Something about finding new music makes my heart flutter with the greatest happiness alive. I feel as if it's almost a new outlet of figuring myself out and learning the ins and outs of my growth as a person. Deep, but it is what it is.

I've heard of Daughter for a while now, but it took until my last Skins episode (GO WATCH SKINS UK IT'S THE GREATEST) to go out and listen to their stuff. And this tune, by far, is my favorite. The lyrics are haunting, but the melody sticks with you like glue. Can you tell I'm a tad in love with this indie acoustic jam? WELL, I AM.

We made it through this week (almost), every one. Finish it out with this lovely lullaby and always remember...


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