Monday, September 9, 2013

Old Pine.

"The summer shone
beat down on bony backs,
so far from home
where the ocean stood..."

-Ben Howard.

Switching things up for tonight. Sure, I'm missing out on some of the best that Fashion Week has to offer. But tonight means so much more to me than anything.

My sweet friend, Nikki, and I went on a yoga date. Quality time with this Southern miss is always filled with deep talks and little laughs that make my heart quite happy. Even though it's only been a bit over a year that we've known one another, I feel as if I could trust her with my biggest secrets, which is a huge stepping stone in my friendship path.

As she told me the story of how she recently is now in a relationship (!!!!!), I couldn't help but admire how beautiful of a person she truly is. She is completely genuine and honest in all of her intentions; she means every word she says and every action she does. Seeing her from the inside out, she has a kind soul and an open heart filled with grace and Southern charm. She's got a voice like sweet tea (not my own observation, but a compliment paid to this pretty lady months ago) and a light shining inside herself brighter than the sunshine on the shores of Florida. She's all winter weather and country roads. And that's only the beginning of her.

Long car rides with this wandering soul are so refreshing and I couldn't have asked for better timing with this one. I can't wait to see what our sophomore years and so forth will lead to. Not only in our friendship, but in her optimistic future. 

I'm so lucky to have blessings like Nikki in my life. 

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