Saturday, September 14, 2013

Baby I.

"I get all tongue-tied and twisted.
I can't explain what I'm feeling.
And I say baby, baby, baby."

-Ariana Grande.

5AM starts to the day are unnatural. And yet, I found myself (in a cloudy state of mind, by the way) reflecting on where I am and where I'm going. Literally, in a year from now, I could be waking up to the sunrise of the London skyline instead of the Nashville view. In six months, I could be wedding planning with my sister for life or be getting new pictures of my soon-to-be niece/nephew. In three months, I could be hanging out with my family, buying a Christmas tree and pretending to have a "white Christmas" although California coast weather does not permit such a thing. I really don't know what's going to happening. But I can just be right here and right now.

Despite complicated and somewhat bad planning, I ended up at the Cheesecake Factory tonight with three other girls that just make my heart so happy. Sitting around a booth with these ladies while telling stories about high school make life in the moment more worthwhile. By no means are we wild and crazy chicks, but that's not me anyways. Sitting on the couch, watching JT on SNL and stuffing my cake with Kahlua-cake dessert is what I want in this time of my life. Singing pop music in the car is what I need to be doing in this moment. 

Always cherish the journey. It can get dark. It can be rough. But always, always, cherish the journey. It's the best motto I know and life is greater than ever before.

PS: Check out my first ever published article, everyone! I'm finally proud of myself for getting something out there and focusing on what I love.

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