Tuesday, September 24, 2013


"So here I go
with all my thoughts I've been saving.
So here I go
with all my fears weighing on me."

-Kelly Clarkson.

It's only Tuesday and I'm worn out. By all means, it was a relatively good day. But I'm getting to the point where I just need a vacation. Thankfully, fall break is coming soon and that will be my relaxation release. Sometimes, we all need to just get away for a while. Or at least, that's my motto. 

I could also be waiting on going home. Since my grandpa isn't at his best as of late, all I think about is being there with my family. It's one of the biggest downfalls of living far away on my own. I can't see my family when they need help. I'm worried sick about the possibilities of his health and it's eating me up inside. Another bittersweet moment is the fact that one of my closest friends got texting on his cell phone. (Finally!) I just feel a little too far away at this moment. I'm not homesick; I just wish I was there.

If you've never been to where the sun always shines and the waves constantly crash, these are probably some of the questions you're interested in asking me. And the stereotypes make me that much more excited about the golden state of mind I've been born and raised in. BOOM.

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