Friday, September 13, 2013

Wrecking Ball.

"Don't you ever say
I just walked away.
I will always 
want you."

-Miley Cyrus.

TGIF, literally. It's been the longest week and probably the most stressful one I've ever had in college so far. Hence my lack of updates and posts. But it's all been exciting nonetheless. I'm quite stoked about what's to come in my future and I'm gaining confidence in myself...WHAT. That's a first in the book of Kelly. 

As the days and weeks go on, I'll keep you guys in the loop. Mainly, the news has been about the same stuff: journalism, weddings, London. The future looks beautiful and bright and I can't begin to express my love for my life right now. Life is just a blessing.


Meanwhile, here's my unpopular opinion: OBSESSED with this song and video. These lyrics just hit in all the right places of the heart and the video is artistic. People need to get over the controversy of naked people. Excuse me, but if you are my age and you're offended by seeing side boob and awkward tanlines near certain areas, you need to grow up and get out. We all know what the opposite sex looks like without clothes...not a big deal. She looks beyond beautiful and even though I'm not the biggest Miley fan out there, she's doing her thing and i DIG it. Props to you, Miley. 

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