Monday, September 2, 2013

Midnight City.

"Waiting in the car.
Waiting for a ride
in the dark."


I'm really sad I already did a post about "Started From The Bottom". That is like the line of the year, recently. Well, Drake is basically one of the best rappers, so I bet I'll be using more songs for posts from him, anyway.

Today has been one heck of a day. I drove in pouring down rain and got wet from inside of the car. (!!!!) This, then, resulted in having to get Stef's car to go to The Well. Plot twist: it's Labor Day and The Well isn't even open. There went a waste of 30 minutes. Good thing Target never ceases to amaze me. Pretty sure I always leave with 20 things I didn't need. Typical girl, right?

Anyways, tomorrow marks the two week anniversary of living permanently in this apartment. Like, whoa. I feel as if I've been here three months already. It's only September and yet, I find myself planning for Christmas. (Going back to California December 6th...holla!) But really, now. Even though it hasn't been long, I love being here. My roommates are beyond hilarious and I find myself becoming more hopeful about passing my classes with at least a 3.0. Good vibes, yo.

Well, besides that, my life is pretty boring.'s a video of the Chickeneers. You're welcome.

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