Thursday, August 8, 2013

Who's That Boy.

"Give me the green light.
Kiss my lips.
Who's that boy
watching my hips."

-Demi Lovato & Dev.

Another day, another later. It really all hasn't hit me yet. I don't know if it actually will. I just have a different perspective on this whole going away thing. It never gets easier to know I won't see these faces for four months, but I know that we shall see each other sooner than later.
Physical activity is not exactly my favorite thing. (Sports are an exception, though.) Hiking all the way up the Peak was quite a daunting task. Nevertheless, doing it with people you love (and who are hilarious, by the way) is so much of a release. I'm so grateful I was able to see the beautiful views and look around at God's creations from the tip-top of a random little mountain. It's quite something when you can take a breath in and know that all of what surrounds you is your moment to live in. What a crazy epiphany if you think...and not well-worded. But who cares?

Big love to my littles who are still braving the tide of high school. It may seem tedious without a cause, but the nostalgic adult in me knows that those four years make or break you. And where we live, it may not be much, but we have such a blessed life. We have such a great community and high school is so short that you have to cling to those in your atmosphere. So keep your head up, I love you three more than most. 

You make my world a lot brighter.

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