Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Love Like Crazy.

"Be a best friend.
Tell the truth.
And overuse 'I love you'."

-Lee Brice.

Today began my list of goodbyes. Well, not goodbyes. More like see you laters. It just so happened to start with my best guy friend in the world. I cannot shut up about Matt and how much his friendship means to me. He is truly the brother I have always wanted and I couldn't ask for anything more. He makes me laugh harder than anything and never ceases to amaze me in his raw talents. Matt just has that 'it' factor. He's a genius to me and I am always stoked to see what the future holds for him.

Matt and I grew up together. Just two little kids who loved to joke around and never take life too seriously. What a great way to get to know a guy, right? And even though we've matured (maybe), we still act like we're 6-year-olds. Best times ever.

Today as we discussed possibly creating a reality show about "prostidudes" and improvised a fake disco dance to The Hustle, I knew that this kid would always be my friend. I need someone like him in my life to make me smile and have around to make fun of. It's just the coolest thing to be pals with a guy like him.

I'm gonna miss you these next four months, bud. But just know your star shines bright and I can't wait to see what's new when December rolls around. Until then, dance like everyone is watching and make the world your stage. You rock.

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